Electricity subsidy: At 15€/MWh for households – Two new programs from April

by time news

The subsidies on electricity bills for the month of April were announced on the morning of Friday, March 24 by the Minister of Environment and Energy Kostas Skrekas. According to the minister, the value of the electricity subsidy for households, businesses and farmers in April amounts to a total of 24.4 million euros.

The subsidies for April are reduced compared to March as the tariffs announced by the suppliers are lower compared to the previous month and in several cases they are even lower than the levels before the energy crisis, stressed Mr. Skrekas and he added


For household tariffs with consumption up to 500 KWh, the subsidy amounts to 1.5 min/KWh, 15 euros/MWh. This category concerns 90% of households in Greece. The subsidy for higher consumption amounts to the same amount, provided the consumption is reduced by 15%.
The subsidy for farmers also amounts to 1.5 minutes/KWh.
For the Social Household Tariff the subsidy amounts to 5.4 cents/KWh, 54 euros/MWh thus absorbing almost the entire increase.
The total of subsidies reaches 24.4 million euros for April.

As Mr. Skrekas noted, the total of subsidies that have been given in the last 20 months since the beginning of the energy crisis amounts to 9 billion euros, of which 70% comes from the taxation of the surplus profits of energy companies and from the revenues of the auctions CO2.

Mr. Skrekas mentioned that at the moment two important programs are running which take advantage of the abundant solar potential available in our country, this for the benefit of the citizens. It’s about:

1. The program “Recycle – Change Water Heaters”, amounting to 100 million euros, from which at least 120,000 households will directly benefit. It is estimated that electricity consumption for the use of hot water will be reduced by approximately 65%.

2. The “Photovoltaics on the Roof” program, amounting to 200 million euros, with significant subsidies, up to 75% for households and 60% for farmers. Savings on energy bills can reach up to 3,000 euros per year.

Also, from April, as announced by the Minister of Energy and Environment, two new energy saving programs are starting because it is self-evident that the cheapest and cleanest energy is the one that we save and do not consume: the “Save – Renovate for Young People” and the new ” I’m saving for 2023.”

Our Government guarantees that it will continuously support the citizens as long as necessary, in order for us all to face this unprecedented energy crisis together, underlined Mr. Skrekas.

Source ERT

Reporting: Penelope Mitroulia

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