Air force cooperation among Nordic countries featured: DN.SE

by time news

Four Major Generals, namely Jonas Wikman, Juha-Pekka Keränen, Rolf Folland, and Jan Dam, have agreed on a declaration of intent that seeks to unify all Nordic air forces for a combined air force of about 250 combat planes. The aim is to bring the region on par with global superpowers such as France or Great Britain. Such a coordinated force would act as a significant deterrent against any potential threats, providing the Nordic population with increased security, according to Major General Rolf Folland. The agreement covers all aspects within the defense branch, including surveillance, patrol, radars, helicopters, anti-aircraft, training, commands, and logistics. The cooperation is set to commence as soon as possible and finalized in the winter of 2024, in conjunction with Nordic Response 2024 – a Nordic model of the routine NATO Cold Response exercises. Rolf Folland highlights the significance in building combined military capabilities, given the alarming extent of Russia’s willingness to use military force against neighboring states. He envisions an arctic air operations center in cooperation with the US and Canada, aimed at providing effective protection. The Nordics are said to have 143 fifth-generation aircraft, and Sweden will ultimately have the region’s largest combat air force, with a combination of 60 new Gripen E aircraft and 60 modernized versions of Gripen C/D fighters.

Major Generals Jonas Wikman, Juha-Pekka Keränen, Rolf Folland and Jan Dam have agreed on a declaration of intent that all Nordic air forces “should be able to operate as one”. Together, this means an air force of approximately 250 combat planes, which should be on a par with countries such as Great Britain or France.

– This will be a huge force that will act as a deterrent to any attacker and that will give the Nordic population security, says Major General Rolf Folland to Aftenposten.

The declaration of intent shall apply everything within the defense branch, i.e. also surveillance, patrol, helicopters, radar and anti-aircraft, as well as training, commands and logistics. The cooperation is intended to begin as soon as possible and be closely completed in the winter of 2024 in connection with Nordic Response 2024, a Nordic model of the recurring NATO Cold Response exercises.

– We obviously see that Russia has the will and ability to use military force against its neighboring states. As close neighbors to Russia, it is therefore important to build a combined capability that is actually an attacker that Russia must take into account in its calculations, says Rolf Folland to Aftenposten.

He sees in the extension as well preferably an arctic air operations center in cooperation with the US and Canada. Per Erik Solli, former fighter pilot and defense analyst at Norway’s Foreign Policy Institute, points to the Ukraine war to illustrate how air capabilities can act as effective protection.

– A total of 143 fifth-generation aircraft in the Nordics is significant by European standards. In addition, the Swedes will phase in 60 new Gripen E aircraft and retain 60 modernized versions of the Gripen C/D fighter. With 120 Gripen, Sweden will have the largest combat air force in the Nordics, says Solli to Aftenposten.

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