Interview C3 Systems, finalist CEPYME Awards 2022 SME Digital Transformation

by time news

C3 Systems is a company from Alicante, located in Elche, which since 2009 has been developing, manufacturing and marketing vertical and horizontal glass enclosure systems. José Fernando Sánchez and David Plata are the CEOs of the company, which is a finalist in the IX CEPYME Awards; in the SME Digital Transformation category.

How did you decide to apply for the CEPYME Awards? What conditions does your company meet to attend them?

We have a Marketing and communication department that works to, among other things, strengthen our brand image and spread our philosophy. They are the ones in charge of assessing the importance of each event, act or award to which we present ourselves.

We chose the CEPYME Awards because they are aimed at small and medium-sized companies that make it possible for a country’s economy to grow. We are a great economic engine of Spain and must be recognized. If we also add the prestige and credit of these awards that are already in their IX edition, it is clear that we had to try.

We believe that we are a company with great potential: Firstly, because a lot of innovation is taking place in our sector. New formulas are being introduced both at the construction level and at the raw material level and ways of understanding real estate growth. If we also add technological innovation and everything that makes it possible for us to do and relate to our customers. We have to say that at C3 Systems we have known this for years and we have been working on it ever since. That is why we believe that we are strong candidates for this award that recognizes all the work done in this section.

Do you think that the CEPYME 2022 award could improve your company’s image with customers, suppliers and future investors?

Giving visibility to the internal effort that we are making as a company is very positive. We invest a lot of time to improve, to find the best solutions, to be the most creative to provide the highest quality, the best customer service… but we must also know how to transmit security, confidence, and the CEPYME Awards grant the prestige of having been recognized at a global level. national for the things that are being done well.

How has your company dealt with the increase in costs and the consequences of the pandemic?

Adaptation, resilience, effort and team. I think those words are fundamental and describe very well how we have faced the consequences of the pandemic and the increase in costs. We have to be competitive and we must be increasingly efficient in each of our departments.

What measures have you adopted to face this new crisis caused by inflation and the lack of some supplies?

With the pandemic we learned to rewrite ourselves. We became aware of certain potential points that we could work on and make a difference. Now it’s the same. We have learned to look at the present, but being very clear about where we are going. It is a good time to look to the future, invest and have a firm growth strategy.

Have you recovered the activity and results prior to the pandemic?

The pandemic for our sector has not meant a time of great losses; It was a time to know how to reinvent oneself and accelerate certain parameters in the innovation and digitization of our processes… Now, the armed conflicts such as the one in Russia and Ukraine, the rise in the cost of raw materials, fuel, inflation… it is clear that the world does not stop and everything moves very quickly so we have to keep up.

Objectives and main challenges of your company for the coming years

Continue growing in the national and international market. Create new innovative products that meet the needs of our customers. To be a benchmark in our sector as a manufacturer of vertical and horizontal enclosure systems and sun protection. Continue digitizing our processes and investing in new technologies that advocate the use of more durable and efficient processes and materials to achieve greater sustainability.

How has your company approached digital transformation?

At C3 SystemS we have our strategy and growth model very well defined. Our strategic challenge is to continuously generate good ideas that we plan in a timely manner to turn them into commercially successful products in our market, anticipating the needs of the final consumer, which also includes the idea of ​​planning for the future.

ICTs offer us the possibility of maintaining continuous improvement. We seek the highest productivity with the highest efficiency. We apply it both in internal telematization and in commercial relationships that allow us to open new marketing channels.

Developing Business Intelligence technology in our own IT department plus the development of our own Intranet, allows us to view information in real time and allows us to analyze how the company is working in all its areas.

Knowing the environment, analyzing it and betting on technology and innovation facilitates adaptability. We evolve and transform in a coordinated and agile way from design, production, logistics, communication, sales channels and customers.

What were the main difficulties?

The constant events impossible to foresee that we have been experiencing for so long. The ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently in order to alleviate and face the consequences of these events is complicated and has been what has led us to where we are today.

And the benefits?

All this has allowed us to implement an interdepartmental quality system that allows us to analyse, through business intelligenceproblems in interdepartmental processes.

At C3 SystemS we have a fully defined strategy, if we add to this the use of ICTs that we use, integrating them to meet the objectives, we can affirm that our effectiveness in the strategy has been amplified in a direct relationship to the degree of investment in them. . That is why our effort in expanding the human team in this department has been worthwhile and we continue to be fully committed to it.

What are the future plans of the company in this area?

The continuous change to which we are subjected today, the evolution of the Internet and its way of interacting with the way of doing business, the lack of talent and globalization make new technologies increasingly influence when managing the company . For this reason, our ICT support is analyzed and updated every year. We are aware of the influence it has on management. Internet intervenes in the way of doing business, talent is increasingly scarce and globalization is an increasingly important phenomenon. That is why we continue to invest in the digitization of our company as one of our main axes to continue innovating and making a difference.

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