Media professionals on HIV/AIDS honored in Bonn / German AIDS Foundation awards prize at AIDS Congress – Economy & Volkswagen – News

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Bonn, March 23, 2023 (ots) – The German AIDS Foundation presented its traditional HIV/AIDS media prize on Thursday evening. At the AIDS Congress at her foundation’s headquarters in Bonn, she honored media professionals who had previously been selected by a jury of experts. Actor Patrick Mölleken held the laudatory speech and hosted the award ceremony.

Prizes were awarded for a radio feature by WDR/Deutschlandfunk Kultur, a contribution by SZ-Magazine, and a journalist’s many years of media work on HIV. The jury also awarded a special prize for a British television series and made a book recommendation.

The HIV/AIDS Media Prize for 2021/2022 was awarded to: Ole Siebrecht (author) and Matthias Kapohl (radio play director and author), Gabriela Herpell (editor) and Lars Reichardt (editor) from SZ-Magazine, Axel Schock (journalist and Author).

Ole Siebrecht (author), Matthias Kapohl (director) for the radio feature “Michael’s first year with the virus”, WDR 5, Doc 5 – The Feature / Deutschlandfunk Kultur, December 5th, 2021/ November 30th, 2021

Gabriela Herpell, Lars Reichardt for their contribution to “We all were afraid”, published in SZ Magazin (23/2021), 11. June 2021

Axel Schock for his decades of continuous and expert reporting on HIV/AIDS, v. a as a freelance author of the of the German Aidshilfe

An undoped special award goes to the entire team of the 5-part television series “It’sa Sin” (idea and screenplay: Russell T Davies, director: Peter Hoar, production: Phil Collinson), German-language first broadcast January 22, 2021

One of the jury’s recommendations is the book “Kahlschlag AIDS – Macht und Unmacht eines Tests” by Christian Noak and Ernst M. Häussinger, Books on Demand, 2021

The prize money totaling 15,000 euros is provided by the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (vfa). The prize of the German AIDS Foundation is the only media prize on the subject of HIV/AIDS in the German-speaking area. It has been awarded for 36 years.

An independent jury of doctors, journalists and AIDS activists selects the winners. Since 1987, the German AIDS Foundation has honored 87 media workers from print, radio, TV and online media as well as artists.

Media prize HIV/Aids of the German AIDS Foundation – Excerpts from the laudatory speech

On Ole Siebrecht (author), Matthias Kapohl (director) for the radio feature “Michael’s first year with the virus”, WDR 5, Doc 5 – Das Feature / Deutschlandfunk Kultur, December 5, 2021/ November 30, 2021

“The feature is a captivating radio piece that you don’t want to switch off from. Ole Siebrecht gives a touching, very personal insight into Michael’s life, which is turned upside down by the HIV diagnosis. Along the way, important knowledge about the “Living with HIV today.” That makes the feature absolutely worthy of an award.

The excellent production essentially lives from the excellent directing work. Matthias Kapohl makes a decisive contribution to getting the audience sucked into the hearing current. He implemented the feature script in a varied and acoustically sophisticated way. That puts him in the rank of co-author.”

On Gabriela Herpell, Lars Reichardt for her contribution to “Wir alle haben Angst”, published in SZ Magazin (23/2021), June 11, 2021

“The contribution by Gabriela Herpell and Lars Reichardt is great journalistic cinema. And much more than a contemporary witness memory on an anniversary. With their collage, the two authors succeed in a dramaturgical tour de force through 40 years of AIDS. No journalistic text can bring this time back to life more impressively The text is definitely worth reading. And that too on the 50th, 60th and 70th anniversary.”

To Axel Schock for his decades of continuous and expert reporting on HIV/AIDS, v. a as a freelance author of the of the German Aidshilfe

“Axel Schock has mastered all journalistic formats: news, features, reports, commentary. His texts are calm, scientifically sound, instructive – and almost always entertaining. He knows no boundaries in terms of subject matter. He is not afraid to tackle uncomfortable topics. Axel Schock is an authority for many for years. The award for him is long overdue.”

At a special price to the entire team of the 5-part television series “It’sa Sin” (idea and screenplay: Russell T Davies, director: Peter Hoar, production: Phil Collinson), German language premiere, January 22, 2021

“The series authentically conveys the mood of the 80s: prejudiced, homophobic, with sometimes abstruse attempts to explain the increasing wave of infections, the hysteria of those days. The excellent series tells directly about illness and dying, death and grief – and at the same time it celebrates life against all conventions. It is entertaining without becoming shallow. Informative without being preachy – and implemented brilliantly on all levels.”

On the recommendation of the jury: Book “Kahlschlag AIDS – Power and powerlessness of a test” by Christian Noak, Ernst M. Häussinger, Books on Demand, 2021

“The book – texts, poetry and prose – not only shows life with AIDS in the 80s and early 90s. Above all, it is a poetic mirror. The poems and texts won’t let you go while reading. “Kahlschlag Aids” has The jury was deeply touched! This extraordinary book, which the authors hope should encourage those affected, is a sincere recommendation.”

Press contact:

Press Office of the German AIDS Foundation Dr. Volker Mertens (press officer) Andrea Babar

Telephone: 0228 60469-31 and -37 Fax: 0228 60469-99 Email: [email protected]

Münsterstrasse 18 53111 Bonn

Original content from: German AIDS Foundation, transmitted by news aktuell

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