Group sick leave and resignation letters for food service workers, children who went hungry… Parents “It is wrong to ask for a salary increase as a child hostage”

by time news
“Public officials who are responsible for children’s meals, it is wrong to ask for additional staff and raise wages by holding children hostage”

Regardless of the specific content of the article. news 1

A kindergarten, elementary, and middle school food service education official (1 cook, 6 cooking staff) submitted a collective resignation request for staffing, and students are suffering damage.

According to News 1 on the 25th, 1,589 students and faculty members of one school solved their lunch with sandwiches by submitting collective sick leave and resignation from 7 public service workers (cooks and cooking staff) from the 20th to the 22nd.

On the 16th, 7 public officials for food service education asked for one more person, and if that was not possible, they asked to share the salary of 2.66 million won per person per month.

This school is an integrated school with 40 students in kindergarten, 1165 students in elementary school, and 384 students in middle school, and 11 people are working according to the education office’s school caterer and cook placement standards.

According to the education office’s school food service staff placement standards, it is stipulated that 11 food education officials should be employed when the number of caterers is 1,401 to 1,600.

However, when the school revealed that it was difficult to recruit staff and pay additional wages, the seven school lunch education officials took sick leave from the 21st to the 31st and submitted a letter of resignation.

Suddenly, school lunch education officials were absent, and the students suffered the damage.

From the 20th to the 22nd, students had lunch with sandwiches and bread. Some children who could not eat bread were reported to have skipped lunch.

When there was a problem with the meal, the Office of Education dispatched staff, kitchen company staff, and senior food distribution helpers to solve the children’s meals with simple meals on the 23rd and 24th.

However, parents are fiercely criticizing the school lunch education officials.

One parent who gave anonymity pointed out, “It is wrong for public officials who are responsible for children’s meals to ask for additional staff and pay raises while holding children hostage.”

An official from the Office of Education said, “We will use alternative workers in connection with local job centers to ensure that school meals are served smoothly.”

Reporter Kim Hyun-joo [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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