Is Michelangelo’s ‘David’ pornographic? Teacher fired for teaching it in art history class

by time news

Everyone knows that the perception of art is subjective, but it also seems certain that there are works about whose beauty there is no doubt. However, each one sees the works with their own point of view. This is what a professor from the United States has expressed, not without controversy, who because of her opinions about a well-known historical piece She has ended up being fired from her job.

Hope Carrasquilla was the principal for at least the last year at the Tallahassee Classical School, a school in Leon County, Florida, and this week she was forced to resign from her position after a parent complained about one of her lessons. about him art during the Renaissance period It would end up being pornographic. “It saddens me that my time here had to end this way,” she told the local Tallahassee Democrat newspaper after her departure from the center.

On behalf of the school board, Barney Bishop asked Carrasquilla to resign and warned her that, otherwise, they would proceed to her dismissal. She believes that at the bottom of the matter are the complaints that came to school about one of his last classes in which he addressed art during the Renaissance and, according to what he says, in recent months some families had already shown their discontent with the procedures that were not followed to the letter.

What were the controversial works?

Specifically, and as explained by the local media, three parents complained that the content of the lesson bothered some of the students. Among the agenda was studying the sculpture ‘David’ made by Michelangelo between 1501 and 1054 or the paintings ‘Creation of Adam’ and ‘Birth of Venus’ by Sandro Botticelli.

For three fathers, the lesson on the work of ‘David’ was pornographic because it was obscene and they regretted not having previously been aware that they were going to address it in class. In fact, the school had approved months before new criteria with which parents would be notified two weeks in advance of any study plan that could be “potentially controversial”, as Bishop recalled in the local media.

The changes in school regulations also contemplate, in fact, that parents could review the study plan and the photos that accompany it. “The parental rights are paramountAnd that means protecting the interests of all parents, whether it’s one, 10, 20 or 50,” Bishop says.

Some parents, however, have been upset with the new guidelines of the centerwhich opened a few years ago with the aim, precisely, of offering a good study of history, literature, philosophy and fine arts.

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