Huawei develops lithographic machinery to produce chips at 14 nm

by time news

The sanctions that the US has been imposing on China in recent years in the field of chips they have done nothing more than spur the development of Chinese machinery for advanced lithographic processes. Although China has state-subsidized companies that have created lithographic processes around 10 nm or slightly less, they are for lithographic machinery from the Dutch company ASML. For the Asian giant it is good news that Huawei now has its own machinery to manufacture chips at 14 nm.

The Chinese company, which the US has imposed strong sanctions for allegedly being a spy for the Chinese government in the West, is ready to test this machine it has built in real production in a few months. But it has also produced the necessary chip design and testing tools to make this lithographic machinery really useful. Total, there are 78 machines and pieces of software those involved in this chain of production of 14 nm chips with the seal “Made in China”.

If Huawei manages to mass-produce this lithographic machinery, it could become the “Chinese ASML.” With hundreds of Chinese companies already banned by the US, one way or another, from buying or using anything Western related to chip production, it could have a long list of new customers. A 14nm process may not sound impressive, but three years ago China was on its own to produce at 28nm. But at least initially, the company will focus on HiSilicon processorsits processor design subsidiary, which may eventually resume business.

Reuters. Via:
Tom’s Hardware.

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