Shave, laser or wax? Ten facts and myths about hair removal – Checkout

by time news


reading time 4 minutes


Shaving, laser, epilation, waxing or using hair removal cream, there are plenty of ways to remove hair from your body. Legs, armpits, face and much more. But which way do you choose? Is laser hair removal permanent? And can you depilate your entire body in the same way? To separate the facts from the fables, we speak with dermatologist Petra Dikrama of Erasmus MC.

Petra Dikrama is a dermatologist at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. She is an assistant professor and education coordinator in dermatology for both the bachelor’s and master’s students of medicine at Erasmus University. What can she tell us about the phenomenon of hair removal?

Hair grows back darker after shaving: Myth

The first statement, that hair grows back darker after shaving, the dermatologist refers to the realm of myths. “The hairs have not yet been exposed to external influences, such as sunlight, water and soap,” she explains.

“If you let the hair grow and don’t remove it, it will naturally lighten. You may recognize this from the hairs on a broken arm or leg after being covered in plaster, which are much darker.”

Hair grows back stiffer after shaving: Fable

According to Dikrama, it has been scientifically researched that the hairs that come back after shaving are not thicker, darker and stiffer. “If you start shaving around puberty, it seems that the hairs come back thicker and stiffer. This would happen even without shaving. During puberty, the downy hairs in certain areas – such as the armpits and pubic region – change into so-called terminal hairs, which are thicker and darker. When you shave off the hair, the stubble is stiff and sharp. When you let the hair grow, they become softer again.”

Shaving can cause ingrown hairs: Fact

Can Shaving Cause Ingrown Hairs? Dikrama says this definitely occurs in the case of frizzy hair, but also in people without frizzy hair. “By shaving the hair too short, you can get an ingrown hair. Especially when using razors where the hair is lifted slightly by the first blade and cut by the second blade, slightly below the level of the skin.”

Razors with multiple blades can also give this effect, the dermatologist indicates. “Tightening the skin, going over the same area too often or pushing too hard has the same undesirable effect: hairs cut too short resulting in ingrown hairs.”

You can depilate your entire body in the same way: Fable

Can you get rid of hair all over your body in the same way? Dikrama does not recommend this. “For example, you’re not going to use depilatory on your face near your eye,” she explains. “Choose a hair removal technique that is suitable for the skin area you want to remove hair.”

Regular waxing reduces hair growth: Fact

Does regular waxing reduce hair growth? Dikrama says yes and explains why: “The hair is pulled out by the roots. Ultimately, pulling out a hair again and again through waxing can cause hair follicles to become so damaged that there is less hair growth. If the stem cells in the hair follicle are destroyed in such a way that no more hair can be produced, you will have less hair growth.”

This can be done with many different hair removal methods. “For example, you can use a laser to destroy the hair follicles, but this can also happen in some people by plucking the eyebrows themselves,” says Dikrama.

Your body hair grows faster in summer: Fact

Dikrama indicates that in addition to hair, nails also grow faster in summer than in winter. “Research has shown that beard hair, for example, can grow up to 60 percent faster in the summer. So don’t forget to take this into account when you go on holiday.”

As you get older, hair growth increases: Fact and Fable

“From childhood to puberty you get more hair. If you androgenic alopecia of female pattern hairloss you have less hair on your head, but as a man you can get more beard hairs, for example. If you then get older again, body hair can also decrease.”

After laser treatments you are 100 percent hairless: Myth

Lasering does not guarantee hairlessness, Dikrama indicates. “You need several treatments anyway. Because hairs are in different growth phases, you can never become hairless after one laser treatment.”

You can’t laser over a tattoo: Fact

“With laser hair removal you tackle the pigment in the hair. A tattoo also contains pigment, so there is a chance that the tattoo will also fade.” The energy and heat of the laser are led through the pigment to damage the hair follicle. If you have a tattoo, according to the dermatologist, electric epilation is a better option in this case.

Hair with dark pigment is more suitable for laser treatment: Fact

The last statement is endorsed by the dermatologist. “This is due to the amount of pigment in the hair. Dark hair is very suitable for laser treatments, but gray or blond hair has too little pigment for this.”

Dikrama indicates that gray or blond hairs can be removed by means of electric epilation.

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