Serious “advocacy” is not spin or softening, but a way of life Lilac Sigan

by time news

Many Likud members express deep frustration with the problem of publicizing the legal revolution. How did it happen? In “Mekor Rishon” it was even published this week that the lack of a strategic media plan before introducing the reform was a real crime and negligence. Apparently, if only they had organized a good campaign, everything would have looked different.

The reform of Simcha Rothman and Yriv Levin It did shatter because of the propaganda. The propaganda that the Likud members exaggerated until Bush in its use for years, and in the end they were trapped by it. They have long since forgotten how to explain like humans, or how to speak statefully to the whole nation. It seems that they were reduced to two options: either Abu Ali’s explanation, which ignites the base, or a softened explanation, which is actually a momentary facade for some sophisticated trick.

The Likud party has never been radical, but in recent years the only way to survive in it is to meet Abu Ali’s minimum threshold. Its members seem to be holding a ruler in their hands and are in a constant competition, in which it is necessary to prove again and again who is more “right-wing”. Who is more powerful, who is tougher, who is the most blind, who is further from the treacherous left and who is more uncompromising.

When you continue racing along this continuum to the right, you end up in the most delusional areas. Among some voters, over time the statements seeped in and began to be perceived as truth. They began to believe that they do not depend on anything, and as if there is no one in the country, in the Middle East and in the world – no one but them. They threaten that we don’t need the Americans, the high-techists, the pilots, the Emiratis, the Jordanians, to mind their own business and let them fly out of here and go to hell.

In order to win the elections that lasted for about four years, the Likud party had to go further with “Hasbra”, according to which the High Court of Justice from Shokats, the attorney general, Maniac, the liberal right is actually a treacherous left, unity is for the weak and Itamar Ben Gabir is a national hero. The information worked very well. But at some point some voters began to expect an impossible minimum, because otherwise it would no longer be seen as authentic “right”. Now, if the Likud party does not live up to the expectations it itself created, what will these voters say?

This is how we came to be unable to speak. After all, Abu Ali’s rhetoric must continue to be maintained, otherwise it may be portrayed as surrender. So what did they do? Negotiating without a second party and Damicolo “compromise” with themselves. At the same time, the base will be maintained in “propaganda” against privileged anarchists such as Dodi Amsalem, Miri Regev, Galit Distal Atabrian, Shlomo Karai and Mai Golan, or Tali Gottlieb, who went on to explain that “you always vote right and accept left”.

As if the “softening” presented this week, which allows the most extreme coalition in history to appoint the president of the Supreme Court, is something that any “leftist” would ever do. The Likud party wants very much to explain the reform to the people, but at the same time, its members are on a crazy publicity campaign to prove their right-wingness.

They are so eager to prove it, especially in light of the tough competition against Bezalel Smotrich and Ben Gvir, that just before Ramadan, at a time when we most need the Americans with us against Iran, Likud passes a private bill to cancel the disengagement in Samaria. So all in all – how can this trolling be explained logically? Indeed, a bit of a challenge.

not alone in the world

This is, of course, only part of the picture. This rhetoric of extremism reached such terrifying levels that with the opening of the Knesset session in a legislative blitz and an uncompromising gallop (in the spirit of the right!), at least half the country had an anxiety attack. Yes, even those who did not vote for the government internalized the “information”, and the more Amsalem-Regev-Distel-Atbarian and Co. continued their propaganda, the more and more they grabbed the Israeli flag and took to the streets.

At some point, the members of the government will have to realize that they have trapped themselves. The right has completely turned into an illusory competition of siding with organized ultra-Orthodox evasion while doubling budgets; Dozens of personal and crazy bills, which may not pass, but are intended to explain to Bays that “we are serious”; And a huge part of the people who are simply unable to contain it. The rhetoric of extremism reached its limit, and broke. It just doesn’t work anymore.

Hindsight is not great wisdom, and probably no one predicted the strength of the reaction to the government’s rampage. But now that it has happened, it might be useful to understand a few things before going on an “information campaign”. The consistent “propaganda” of Amsalem, Moshe Gafni, Yitzhak Goldknopf, Rothman, Smotrich, Ben Gabir, Gottlieb, Karai, Levin and Distal Atabrian is the one that created, and still creates, a rift in the people.

The more likes on the base, the greater the rift, the greater the fear, and the greater the feeling that there is nothing to lose and therefore we have to break the rules, because it is only getting worse and God knows what the government will do tomorrow. In such a situation, standing at a press conference as Rothman and Smotrich did this week, saying “we are open” and asking “trust me”, is just another sign that they still don’t understand.

There are of course other consequences. When you get caught up in such “explanation”, maybe part of the base cheers, but there is no longer any way to explain yourself out. There is no ability to maintain a foreign policy. Filled with Smotrich’s Grand Mazer speeches, which leave behind a trail of public apologies to Jordan, the Americans, Egypt and the Emirates. But even Benjamin Netanyahu, the most fantastic explainer we’ve ever had, finds himself receiving explanations about the true nature of democracy wherever he tries to explain what worked for the base in Israel: that taking over the judiciary is actually a balance, that Israel will be like Canada And New Zealand, which Smotrich and Ben-Gvir don’t really mean, that his hands are on the wheel and that the protesters will soon calm down.

This week it was announced that for the first time in history, the Palestinian narrative arouses more sympathy among democratic Americans than the Israeli narrative. We earned it honestly, with Abu Ali’s explanation and in record speed of three months. Only that, contrary to propaganda, reality signals us in every possible way that we are not alone in the world, and that power has limitations. We still need the sympathy of the Democrats in the votes in Congress, and this administration encourages them to vote for the Palestinians. Maybe it’s time to understand that actions lead to reactions that also need to be explained, and in general – that serious “information” is not spin or softening, but a way of life.

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