Itamar Ben Gabir’s unlawful behavior in the Knesset, according to Ben Caspit

by time news

The subject of this article is Itamar Ben Gvir, who initially seemed to be an outside-the-box thinker that could bring a new spirit to Israeli politics. However, he has recently caused controversy by delaying the electronic coupling law, which is designed to protect women and has been in the works for six years. Despite the law being thoroughly studied and approved by all parties, Ben Gvir wants to delay it so that he can “study” the subject. This delay is unacceptable, especially considering the urgent need for the law to save lives.

At the same time, the coalition is rushing to pass 120 laws that could potentially dismantle the system of government and damage democratic institutions. Despite this, Ben Gvir and others are not willing to stop and negotiate with the opposition. The Israeli government is currently experiencing a rapid decline in value and has been the source of many recent disasters. Even Ministers like Bezalel Smotrich and Miri Regev are not immune to causing controversy and scandals.

Overall, the current state of Israeli politics is concerning, and urgent action is needed to address the critical issues at hand.

Let’s dwell on Ben Gvir for a moment. Itamar Ben Gabir. I will admit and yes I will be ashamed: I was one of those who thought he deserved a chance. The man was carried on waves of authentic sentiment of the loss of personal security, the disintegration of governance, a sense of chaos. True, all of this happened during the current prime minister’s watch, but Ben Gvir brought a new spirit of someone who thinks outside the box and can possibly shake up the system.

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He does shake her, but the other way around. This week, in an act that no word but crime can define, he brought about the overthrow of the electronic coupling law designed to save the lives of the dozens of women who are murdered here every year (including Daria Sheitel, but a week ago, in front of her children). What is his excuse? “I want to study the subject.” He wants to learn! A diligent and thorough student like him. He didn’t study the police before rushing to dismantle it. He wants to study law. Why not pick up the phone to former MK Keren Barak, Likud, who initiated this law in the previous term (this time it was brought by MK Gideon Sa’ar)? After all, everything has already been studied, prepared, tested, scanned and produced. And it is about human life.

Dwell on this for a moment: a law that was in the pipeline for six years, approved by all parties, the combined work of countless government ministries and all the relevant experts, a law that passed the first reading in the previous Knesset with the rare cooperation of the opposition and the coalition, a law that can save women who are murdered at a murderous rate, To put an end to the constant terror in which they live, that the Tiktok clown is delaying because he wants to “learn”. In a reformed country, the first electronic bracelet was attached to a white man. May we know when he is close and will be kept for our souls.

What does he not delay? the coup d’état. 120 laws, most of them completely insane, whose only function is to dismantle the system of government, destroy the democratic institutions, destroy the independence of the judiciary and benefit the criminal, the accused and their families, this he does not want to learn. Here, he is not willing to stop for a moment. The coalition is asked to try to reach a broad consensus. Stop the legislative blitz and enter into negotiations. Zero, they don’t have time. They pass this political coup in the blink of an eye, brandishing a knife, swinging an ax, private bills, like horse robbers in the night. Suddenly they rush. to check? There is no need. let’s run over

In the last two months, Israel has gone through one of the fastest value destructions in history. We broke the record of Putin, who turned Russia in a few months from the number two power in the world into a backward caricature. Not a day goes by without a catastrophe. The ministers, most of them inexperienced people who have never managed anything, compete with each other in defaming our wonderful country.

Led this bunch of vanity this week in Bezalel Smotrich. If his Shakespearean English performance was self-destruction, then the erasure of Hawara, the disappearance of the Palestinian people and the exclusion of the Kingdom of Jordan from the family of nations succeeded in awakening the last ones who have not yet awakened in us. Lucky they didn’t send the information minister Galit Distel Atbarian to try to fix it. She is not even invited to the informative preparation of all state bodies for Ramadan.

Her older twin, Transport Minister Miri Regev, managed to drive even the usually quiet and calm Emiratis crazy. Ella didn’t know whether to laugh or cry this week when she said that “I was in Dubai, not that I’m going back there, I don’t like this place”, and later claimed that it was a wink. While we were trying to raise up the ruins of this one, the ultra-Orthodox came with a bill against missionary work, and succeeded in setting us up with the evangelical Christians in the USA. These, Jewish Zionists, may now become bitter enemies, only because Gafni has convinced himself that he is nothing more. The hapless Netanyahu hangs out with A big sack and collects what all these leave behind.

The full column in “Maariv Sophashavu”

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