Why cybercrime is a national security threat

by time news

The situation with cybercrime and theft of money from the population by telephone is only getting worse every year – the authorities have already officially recognized it as a national problem. Attackers act proactively and are several steps ahead of those who oppose them: the legislation does not keep pace with new threats in the field of high technologies and schemes of theft of money by “bank security officers”. The scale of cybercrime has reached such proportions that they can be called a threat to national security, Andrey Nekrasov, a spokesman for the Prosecutor General’s Office, admitted in May. At the same time, no more than 25% of such crimes are disclosed, he noted.

Now every fourth crime is committed using IT technologies, it follows from the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for January – October 2021. Cybercrime reached this level last year: the Prosecutor General’s Office recorded half a million such cases. For five years, their number has increased 12.5 times. And in seven years – 20 times and continues to grow, said the representative of the Investigative Committee Konstantin Komarda at the beginning of the year. This is only according to official statistics: the level of hidden cybercrime in Russia is not assessed. According to the FBI’s National Computer Crime Office, 85 to 97% of cybercrimes go undetected.


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