Tamil News | Self-discipline and self-control are essential for every human being

by time news
‘Drinking and driving will be fined’…this is the law. However, fine cannot be levied on vehicles including two-wheelers parked at the entrance of the bar. The fear is that because of liquor shops, families are being destroyed’. Bottles of alcohol are sold with the slogan ‘Drinking spoils drinking’.

Medicine says ‘Tobacco which is addictive and smoking which causes cancer is evil’.

‘Cigarettes are sold in boxes bearing that message. Thus some phenomena in use are incompatible with vision and practice.

It is a painful fact that in today’s era, school students are exposed to smoking habit and tobacco habit from the beginning. It has become the need of the hour to get them out of that habit.

‘In the elimination of drugs, awareness campaign should be done along with the measures taken by the government; The Chief Minister is making a call that everyone should join hands in drug eradication.

In every village, notice boards are placed saying ‘tobacco products are prohibited’. If so, that means not using tobacco products.

Some social activists say, ‘Evil is all around us; It is self-discipline that we must take care of ourselves; control. ‘Don’t do this; They say that the only way to get rid of things that should be rejected as harmful to health is to put an end to its habit, lamenting that intoxicating alcohol and tobacco are ruining life, and criticizing the government and rulers who allow them, they say.

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