Government blames the peasants of Villa Clara for the lack of water after punctures on the driver Hanabanilla

by time news

To repair the multiple “punctures” of the driver, additional resources will be needed that the company from Villa Clara requested from its headquarters in Havana. (Photo: Cuban Newspaper)

The Ministry of the Interior (Minint) will carry out a deeper operation along the 25 kilometers that the Hanabanilla water pipe runs, since it leaves the dam of the same name in the municipality of Manicaragua, in Villa Clara, to detect more leaks of the liquid after blaming the peasants in the area for stealing the water.

According to the official newspaper VanguardSo far, 13 illegal connections have been discovered that agricultural producers had made to the pipeline with the aim of supplying their plantations to produce food.

The peasants, especially in the towns of Porvenir and Biajaca, removed screws with suction cups from the pipes and connected plastic pipes to irrigate their plantations. According to the Villa Clara Aqueduct and Sewer Company, the actions reduce pressure on the pipeline, leaving the communities of Mataguá, La Yaya and Jorobada without supply, with a total population estimated at 10,000 people.

To repair the multiple “punctures” of the driver, additional resources will be needed that the company from Villa Clara requested from its headquarters in Havana, for which the peasants are required to be fined.

A similar phenomenon also occurs at the Paso Bonito Pumping Station to Barajagua, in Cienfuegos, whose authorities were notified so that they can take their own measures.

According to Vanguardia, it is essential that this raid against “water thieves” be maintained over time and that the “organizations involved work in an integrated manner, with permanent monitoring of this problem, so that the resource reaches consumers who today they receive it by pipes, with the consequent fuel costs for its transfer, in moments of energy contingency”.

The outlook for the most isolated communities in the mountainous territory continues to be a challenge, since more than 64 years after the “revolution for the humble” there is still “a study so that they can satisfy their water demands, in a legal and orderly manner.”

The history of the Hanabanilla reservoir dates from the mid-20th century, when during the government of Fulgencio Batista its construction was conceived with the purpose of locating a hydroelectric plant, guaranteeing the water supply to the cities of Cienfuegos and Santa Clara, and developing tourism.

However, when Fidel Castro came to power by force of arms, the project had already started and was continued by the state construction company ‘Constructora del Turquino’ in collaboration with companies from the former Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. .

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