The municipality is serious about catching stray cattle on the road and collecting a fine of Rs. 16 thousand from the owners The municipality is serious about catching stray cattle on the road and collecting a fine of Rs. 16 thousand from the owners

by time news

Bodi, : Bodi municipal administration is showing seriousness in catching and auctioning the cattle that are roaming around disturbing the people.

In Bodi municipality, cows and donkeys are roaming in abundance in areas such as bus stand, main road, daily market, government hospital and other areas causing disturbance to people. Due to this, people are going outside with fear. Due to this, car accidents often happen. Owners are required to secure their livestock in their own premises. In case of failure, the cattle will be auctioned by the municipality.

The municipality called the owners several times and warned and campaigned that the concerned livestock owner would be fined and police action would be taken. But the owners were oblivious.

In this case, an auction of Rs. 1,000 per animal was made to catch the cattle through the private sector. In this regard, the auctioneers caught the cows wandering on the road yesterday and loaded them into the tempo.

Municipal health inspector said: 16 cows, 14 donkeys and one horse have been caught in Bodi for two days. They charged the owners a fine of Rs 16 thousand and warned them not to let them on the road again. The rest are cows and donkeys. Horses are kept in municipal custody. said.

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