Is there a possibility of arriving at a cure for cirrhosis? –

by time news

it is essential to remain connected to the hepatological centers of reference and to avoid that co-factors of damage slow down the healing of fibrosis

I have cirrhosis with ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), although I was able to get rid of the hepatitis C virus thanks to the new therapies. Can we sick people hope that one day medical research will find a cure for cirrhosis?

He answers Roberta D’AmbrosioHead of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clinics, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan (GO TO THE FORUM)

Removing the cause of the liver disease (hepatitis B or C virus, alcohol) is the most important tool we have for stopping liver disease and potentially induce improvement in fibrosis. Eliminate the cause of liver damage a factor can even far regress cirrhosisalthough this possibility is reduced in those who already have severe impairment of liver function at the time of treatment (or cessation of alcohol consumption) or in the presence of other co-factors of damage (diabetes, obesity, alcohol). In some cases, clinical improvement is observed over time (sometimes years) by removing the cause of the liver disease. Unfortunately at the moment no true anti-fibrotic therapies are available, although many companies are attempting to develop drugs with an anti-fibrotic action in areas other than that of viral hepatitis, such as for example that of metabolic diseases. While waiting for these drugs, it is essential to remain connected to the reference hepatological centers ed prevent co-factors of damage from slowing the healing of fibrosis, induced in his case by viral eradication. In cases where the disease does not compensate itself spontaneously, and with some limits related to age and comorbidities, liver transplantation can be an important curative strategy. The anti-HCV treatment performed before the transplant, in fact, eliminates the risk of reinfection of the organ.

March 26, 2023 (change March 26, 2023 | 08:19)

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