Modified version of Motu Proprio “Vos aestis lux munti”!

by time news

The main innovation in the amendments to the “Vos Estis Lux Munti” are the rules that expand the responsibilities of bishops, superiors of communities of consecrated life and lay leaders of international bodies approved by the Holy See.

Joey Kariveli, Vatican City

In the Church, the Pope confirmed with amendments the procedures for preventing and dealing with sexual abuse by church ministers against minors and vulnerable adults.

Pope Francis revised and published on Saturday (25/03/23) the motu proprio, or autonomous exhortation form of an apostolic treatise, Vos estis lux mundi, meaning “You are the light of the world”, containing these procedures.

After four years of trial implementation, a new version of the document has been prepared with some changes. The revised document will come into effect on April 30.

The main innovation in the amendments are the rules that expand the responsibilities of bishops, superiors of communities of consecrated life and lay leaders of international committees approved by the Holy See.

The revised document clarifies that the Diocese should have systems and offices to help the general public easily get information related to sexual abuse and that the responsibility of proceeding with the investigation related to the crime of sexual abuse rests with the bishop of the place where the crime took place.

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