Fear of disinformation in times of AI – Medien-Woche podcast

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media Media Week Podcast

Fear of disinformation in times of AI

The The

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

The new generation of artificial intelligence will change our lives – and also the way we inform ourselves. However, the AI ​​of ChatGPT still produces all sorts of dubious information – including conspiracy theories of all kinds.

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Our relationship to artificial intelligence is divided – on the one hand, technological advances are celebrated, on the other hand, fears are fueled. In a series of tests by an American organization, it has now emerged that version 4 of ChatGPT produces numerous narratives such as conspiracy stories on request (“prompt”) – without pointing out that this is factually refuted information. The previous version ChatGPT 3.5 was better trained in this regard.

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It is fitting that the “Bild” newspaper found out this week that the AI ​​also provides incorrect information when asked – and even provides internet links that do not actually exist. In this edition of our podcast “Die Medien-Woche” we talk about the need for AI developers to integrate fact checks into their applications – and how media and AI relate to each other.

This fits in with a recent survey by the Adenauer Foundation, according to which the fear of disinformation is widespread among the population. At the same time, according to the Infratest survey, the population’s trust in the credibility of the political news broadcast on ARD and ZDF has fallen from 78 to 70 percent over the past three years. Which is still an acceptable value – and must nevertheless give those responsible at the broadcasters, who see a “democracy tax” in the broadcast, something to think about.

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Die “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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