Kahana convened the committee; The first to mark the boycott

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The Chief Rabbi boycotts the Minister of Religions: One by one, this evening (Sunday), the members of the committee for the appointment of judges for the Chief Rabbinate building in Jerusalem came to participate in a second discussion of the committee, a first discussion in physical convergence after last month the conference was held using the zoom.

After Kahana decided to convene the committee in his office, he moved the convention to the hall of the Chief Rabbinical Council, as part of an attempt to bring about the participation of the Rishon LeZion Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef. But a short time before the committee convened, the Rishon LeZion left its office and left the Chief Rabbinate building. It should be noted that this is the second meeting of the committee that Rabbi Yosef boycotted.

The boycott of Rabbi Yosef comes as a compliment to the conduct of Minister Kahana and the reforms he is leading in conversion after he has already succeeded in approving the kosher reform.

The Chief Rabbis, today

However, in the hours leading up to the committee meeting, discussions took place between the chief rabbis, and after the Chief Rabbi Gaon Rabbi David Lau explained the importance of participating in the yeshiva, Rabbi Yosef agreed to participate in the yeshiva through the ‘zoom’ but not be present in one room with Minister Kahana. Rejected the request of the Rishon LeZion Bureau and did not confirm the rabbi’s participation through the zoom.

It should be emphasized that it is not yet clear how Rishon LeZion will act once the committee convenes and discusses the selection of new judges for the regional courts and the High Court. So the issue is expected to be decided by him in coordination with the great men of Israel.

Meanwhile, the member of the Great Court, Rabbi Yaakov Zamir, a student of the Rashel and a member of the committee, chose not to attend the conference. Like the Rishon LeZion, Rabbi Zamir also left the rabbinate offices minutes before the committee convened.

Shabbat Square unveiled last month


Last month, it was revealed for the first time in Kikar Hashabbat that the Chief of Staff had decided to boycott the committee’s deliberations. A senior official in the Chief Rabbinate explained the unusual move and told Kikar Hashabbat: “Hundreds of thousands of gentile Russian immigrants, along with the desire to give the Western Wall to the Reformers, there is no reason to have any dialogue with him.”

The senior rabbi continued to explain Rishon Lezion’s decision to boycott the deliberations of the committee for the appointment of judges: “Minister Kahana wants a priest and a divorcee and bastards to marry at the Cyprus embassy in Israel. .

“Kahana wants to appoint judges to the regional court and the great court, from which the opinion of the great men of Israel is not comfortable. Rabbi Yosef said that it is better not to appoint judges at all than to appoint them.”

Rishon LeZion v. Kahana: “What Destruction Will It Bring”

“For all the above reasons,” concludes the senior rabbinate: “Rishon LeZion has decided to boycott the committee’s deliberations, unless Kahana repents and stops hating ultra-Orthodox, which has no chance.”

In his weekly lesson, Rishon LeZion attacked Minister Kahana and said: “This loophole that anyone can give kosher – this is what the Minister of Religions does to please David Stav, the conservative said he has no reverence for him.

“Note, Maran never spoke of a rabbi in such harsh words, Maran once spoke of some rabbi, said of him that he was evil? Said of him that he has no reverence? That he is dangerous to Judaism? Never. The rabbi respected, but here no. The rabbi. Take off your gloves. “

“Who knows what destruction this will bring,” warned Rishon Lezion: The public: not to trust all kinds of kosher people that it is a great destruction what they want to do. “

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