The Head of State receives the Monegasque Minister for External Relations and Islamic Associations

by time news

The President of the Republic, Head of State, HE. Mohamed Bazoum spoke on Friday March 24, 2023 with the Minister for External Relations of the Principality of Monaco, Mrs. Isabelle Berro Amadei. During this interview with the Head of State, the Minister said that she had raised issues relating to Niger-Monegasque cooperation. She confided that the Principality maintains cooperative relations with Niger and collaborates with partners in various fields such as food security and health mainly to support Niger. “The Principality plans to broaden its sphere of intervention to education, especially that of girls,” she announced.

A few moments later, the President of the Republic, Head of State, HE. Mohamed Bazoum was to meet the leaders of Niger’s Islamic associations headed by the president of the Islamic Association of Niger (AIN), Cheikh Djibril Karanta. The Head of State initiated this meeting to discuss important issues relating to the blessed month of Ramadan which has just started, a month in which the Islamic ummah of our country is called upon to redouble its efforts in the direction of adoration, solidarity and sharing but also in invocations in favor of our country. The meeting was an opportunity for the said officials to formulate certain grievances against the authorities and to discuss important points in the life of our country.

Mr. Ibrahim Seyni, speaking on behalf of the guests of the Head of State, indicated that President Mohamed Bazoum asked them to multiply the Tafsir, the reading of the Holy Koran but also above all to invoke Allah in favor of our country to May there be more peace, security and protection for our people and their valiant Defense and Security Forces who, night and day, ensure the security and protection of the national territory. He stressed the commitment of Islamic associations to accompany the authorities with prayers so that peace and security reign in Niger. The leaders of the Islamic associations discussed the themes of education, the Hajj, the LGBT movement but also various concerns that are close to their hearts. Among other grievances, Mr. Ibrahim indicated that Islamic associations have asked the Head of State to introduce Islamic teaching in schools, to abolish sex education that is not adapted to the Islamic religion, to initiation of the continuous day during Ramadan to primary schools.

Regarding the pilgrimage or Hajj, the price of which was recently set and considered very high by many Nigeriens, the leaders of the associations have asked the Head of State to get personally involved in the success of his organization. As far as women are concerned, they asked the President of the Republic to see in which case to authorize or waive women to take identity or passport photos with the veil.

Zabeirou Moussa(onep)

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