Revealed the secret of proper and quick general cleaning in the house

by time news

There is a correct and quick way to cope with general cleaning in the house, says Viktoria Mustafina, a specialist in the Dom direction of the online hypermarket. In an interview with, she told how to simplify putting things in order and not make mistakes, reports Day.Az.

The main secret is preparation.

Mustafina advised to start with a plan. Such a cheat sheet will help you immediately identify the scope of work and reduce the time for their implementation. You don’t need to include every little thing on this list. For example, you do not need to describe every dusty object in the apartment. It is necessary to indicate only general points and things that are easy to forget.

Try to think in blocks. For example, divide the main work into rooms. Make a list of what you have to do in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom or balcony. Prepare detergents and cleaning products in advance, replenish the necessary inventory so as not to waste time in the process

According to the specialist, scattered clothes should be put in a common pile for later sorting, broken things should be put aside for repair or disposal in the trash, curtains should be sent to the laundry, and rugs should be hidden for a while.

“There is an excellent method in time management called “Eat the Frog,” the interlocutor of said. “It involves starting any work with the most difficult or unloved tasks. After completing them, the rest of the things will seem easy.”

General cleaning mistakes

Mustafina considers switching from one small task to another one of the main mistakes during general cleaning. In her opinion, if you do not stick to the plan, then cleaning can be delayed. It’s also likely to miss important places, such as ceiling lights, doorknobs, washing machine doors, or cabinet tops.

Another mistake is using one rag. According to Mustafina, this can damage some surfaces if you wipe something with a chemical agent first.

Starting the process with wet cleaning is not the best option, the expert says. For example, when disassembling cabinets, dust rises. As a result, you will have to wash everything in the second circle.

Get rid of excess

Important often cleaning – getting rid of unnecessary things. This is a difficult task: something is valuable as a memory, other things are simply a pity to throw away, the repair of third ones is postponed until later. Mustafina named several ways to help simplify it.

Sort things into categories: 100 percent keep, think, and get rid of. When you’re done, take a close look at the piles that didn’t fall under the “discard” category. Think about the last time you used these things. If it was a long time ago, then it is better to think again whether they really

According to Mustafina, it is worth taking pictures of things that you feel sorry to part with. Perhaps over time it will become clear that they are remembered only when looking at the pictures. “Sell or give away things if you find it difficult to throw them away,” the expert advises. “In the first case, you will be pleased with gratitude, and in the second, the benefit that you could bring.”

How to save the result

When the general cleaning is over, you want to keep the cleanliness as long as possible. To do this, a few useful tricks come in handy, Mustafina argues. For example, you can use an organization system. If things lie haphazardly, you don’t want to return to them for a long time. However, if a certain place is allocated for their storage, a rack or containers, then it is easier to get used to putting everything in its place.

Use water-repellent glass and mirror sprays. So they will stay longer without streaks and splashes. And under the shoes I advise you to buy a pallet, so it will be easier to get used to immediately put the shoes in a special place and not carry dirt around the hallway.

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