Rotary Dictation 2023 promotes excellence in schools

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The ninth edition of the Dictée du Rotary is over. Organized by the Rotary Club of Abomey-Calavi, this edition was held on Saturday March 25, 2023, at the Benin Excellence Library in Godomey, in the town of Abomey-Calavi. The first of this competition is named Kam Sié Luc, a student in the final year at the Jean-Michel le Faucon school complex in Calavi.

What you should know : The Rotary Club of Abomey-Calavi has taken up the challenge of organizing this Saturday, March 25, 2023 its competition called the Dictée du Rotary. This is a traditional activity of Rotary clubs in the French-speaking world. It is usually held in January, but has been postponed this year by the Rotary Club of Abomey-Calavi. A total of 132 students from six colleges took part. Administered by French teachers, the text of the dictation was taken from the novel by Guinean Alioum Fantouré entitled The circle of the tropics. Candidates competed at two levels. At level 1, these are the pupils of the fourth to second classes and level 2 groups together the candidates of the first and final classes. They were submitted to the text of the same author, but with different lengths according to the levels.

Who are the winners : At the end of the competition, the first five winners are Kam Sié Luc from the Jean-Michel le Faucon school complex, who takes the lead in the ranking, followed by Wankpo Agostino from CEG 1 Godomey, Ahyi Mireille from the Jean-Michel le Faucon school complex, Mètchonou Adélaïde and Gnimansou Orian both from the Ste Félicité school complex. They are among the top 20 to have received prizes at the end of the competition. But all the other participants in this initiative went home with consolation prizes. As for the three best establishments, they received trophies. These are the Jean-Michel le Faucon school complex, the CEG1 Godomey of the Ste Félicité school complex.

What the officials say : For the president of the Rotary Club of Abomey-Calavi, Jean-Paul Lègonou, this competition enters into one of the strategic axes of his service club, namely the fight against illiteracy and illiteracy. Under this axis, aid has been provided to certain disadvantaged students. At the start of the school year, in September 2022, 140 destitute students from CEG Maria-Gléta benefited from a school supply kit. The implementation of Rotary Dictation promotes excellence in the workplace. According to the president of the Rotary Club of Abomey-Calavi, she also promotes reading. The Dictée du Rotary is also a session to raise awareness of the different professions. This year, the participants were treated to professionals who spoke to them about professions such as midwives, chartered accountants, customs officers, human resources managers. “We would like there to be more candidates next year,” wishes the president of the Rotary Club of Abomey-Calavi Jean-Paul Lègonou.

Between the lines : The Rotary Club of Abomey-Calavi was created 22 years ago. It currently has 50 members with various social assistance works to its credit, including donations of school furniture, water supply, etc.

Olivier Alocheme

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