A new forest fire was registered in the Henri Pittier park

by time news
  • So far there are no official reports on the damage caused by the flames.

A new fire was registered during the night of Sunday, March 26, in the Henri Pittier National Park, in the north of the state of Aragua. The flames spread over a large part of the hill and until now the number of hectares affected by the incident is unknown.

Journalist Carmen Pecorelli reported that the fire started at approximately 6:50 pm on Sunday. Users on social networks say that the magnitude of the fire caused it to last throughout the night.

Photo: Carmen Pecorelli

On Twitter they shared images of the fire and reported that a strong smell of burned vegetation was perceived in various areas of Maracay on Monday morning. “The city woke up wrapped in haze and with the smell of burning,” said a user on the social network.

Several emergency bodies participated in the operation to control the flames.

A new forest fire was registered in the Henri Pittier National Park
Photo: Carmen Pecorelli

previous fire

On Tuesday, February 28, a forest fire broke out in the Fila de Palmarito sector and spread at high speed. The fire spread to various areas of Henry Pittier National Park.

Karina Carpio, governor of Aragua state, indicated that the llamas would have consumed between 100 and 120 hectares of the park.

The authorities have provided the 911 number so that people can alert about any possible source of fire, especially in those communities located on the slopes of the Henri Pittier.

The dry season in Venezuela brings with it the increased risk of forest fires in national parks. Most originate from the indiscriminate burning of garbage or the proliferation of waste in green areas.

The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inameh) warned about the risk of forest fires in March because it was the driest period and had high temperatures.

The Inameh manager, Colonel Ángel Graterol, estimated in an interview with lara press on March 8 that during this month the risks of forest fires increased by 40% and, in extreme cases, up to 70%.

Recommendations to avoid forest fires

– Do not throw cigarette butts on the grass

– Avoid lighting bonfires in places with a lot of vegetation

– Do not act on your own to turn them off

– Avoid throwing glass and bottles on the grass that can serve as the magnifying glass effect

– Not mitigating the fire on their own and reporting it to the authorities

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