On the eve of a new national strike, garbage collection is slowly returning to normal in Paris

by time news

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France prepares for a new mobilization against pension reform this Tuesday (28). But, after three weeks of street sweepers’ strike, the situation is visibly improving in the streets of Paris, this Monday (27).

This Monday, at least 158 ​​garbage trucks were able to leave the garages, “that is, there is 90% more activity compared to a normal Monday”, according to the Paris prefecture on Twitter.

“On Sunday, the amount of uncollected rubbish in Paris continued to fall, with an estimated 7,828 tonnes versus 9,800 tonnes yesterday,” says the same source. “Since this morning, 162 garbage trucks have been traveling through Paris (…) It is 2.5 times more than on a normal Sunday”, he adds.

The improvement, notable in some neighborhoods, is due to the opening of three incineration plants on the outskirts of the capital. On Friday (24), the union that manages the three locations announced the end of the strike movement in two of them, while the third was requisitioned by the security forces.

Threatened progress

But progress is still precarious. Garbage on the sidewalks has decreased considerably, especially on the main avenues and streets, although “the situation in garages and garbage treatment centers remains tense, with several blockages or dams”, according to the city hall.

The strike essentially mobilized public cleaning professionals from the municipality of Paris, which manages half of the twenty districts of the capital. However, it could be extended to private providers, who held negotiations on Sunday (26).

The union called for a strike in la Courneuve, in northern Paris, where the garbage truck garages run by Derichebourg, a private company that collects garbage in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10th and 18th arrondissements of Paris, are located. The prefecture of the 7th district, which works with the same provider, says it will not be affected.

In addition to joining the movement against Social Security reform, the union is calling for an increase in wages and better working conditions.

The mobilization, however, did not start as planned on Sunday. According to union sources, the workers’ representatives negotiated with the management. A proposal was presented this Monday to the workers who decided to call off the strike.

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