The Ever Given ship that blocked Suez is still “prisoner” –

by time news

The Ever Given prisoner of the Suez Canal. A giant immobilized no longer by sand but by strong chains: the Egyptian laws. He will be able to return free if he is reached an agreement on compensation for damages, estimated by Egypt at $ 916 million. In the meantime it remains in the area of ​​the Bitter Lakes, large basin of the maritime highway.

It seems like yesterday on March 23rd. The ship, coming from Malaysia and bound for Rotterdam, owned by a Japanese company, ran aground on the waterway. It ends sideways, the bow planted on the sands of the bank. A disaster caused by unfavorable weather conditions – a strong wind – along with possible human error. Nobody passes: over 400 merchant ships, oil tankers and warships remain in the column as in a colossal traffic jam. The products do not arrive, customers wait, routes change, with freighters forced to circumnavigate Africa. The rescue operation is triggered, at the beginning with the means available, some local tugboats, a dredger and a digger. Then comes more powerful means. For six days the news. Unusual, fascinating. Also followed on social networks thanks to satellite photos, interactive sites. The image of the trapped cyclops it goes beyond the accident itself: too large ships, the fragility of trade, globalization. Everything and more. Then the turning point, with the release on 29 March.

Egypt celebrates success with emphatic tones, the president al Sisi, who for a few days remained in the background (and embarrassed), comes out to claim victory, the authorities document with great precision the number of units that have resumed their march. C’festa a Manshiyet al Rugola, the village in front of where the unwanted show took place, a small point on the planisphere transformed into the center of the world. And also a celebration for Abdallah Abdelgawad, the worker who for days maneuvered the digger on the shore. A monthly salary of 190 dollars, he becomes one of the protagonists of the adventure with dedicated accounts, videos, jokes, clips that make him smile and angry, but which represent the human side in a story of machines. The Egyptian government thinks about the after, in case the emergency should repeat itself. A new super dredge is ready, 4 tugs of 250-300 tons under construction, another five ordered in China.

Once cleared, Ever Given slowly ascends north and descends into the news hierarchy. But the reality is different, other troubles begin. The Canal Authority (SCA) appeals to the court of Ismailia which orders the seizure of the container ship. The Egyptians want to be repaid for what they have suffered, they indicate in the expense account 300 million bonuses for saving and the same for losing prestige. The negotiation starts, great work for the lawyers. Meanwhile, the captain and 22 sailors of Indian nationality remain on board. Only two disembark for urgent reasons, related to family issues. If they want – Cairo reassures – they can all leave with the exception of the commander. But how do they leave it? Maybe they can send a team to take over.

Someone remembers affairs of crews held hostage for months, fear tests of strength on their heads. A trade union delegation visits them, confirms that they are fine, they have stocks and the Internet. The questions about how all this could have happened return. Who was wrong? On board were the local pilots and their helpers. Attention, the experts retort, their role often of simple presence e the last word belongs to the commander. The Egyptians insist on this point, the owner of the company replies, blaming the sandstorm. Independent observers lean towards a variety of causes. Insurance companies try to bargain by offering a generous defined package.

Waiting not ruled out an alternative scenario: Ever Given remains there, but the containers full of goods are unloaded: shoes, electronics, furniture, home components, mechanical parts and much more. a solution admitted by the law only that the operation presents logistical difficulties as large as the monster. And then we look at the negotiations. The next stage of the Odyssey scheduled for May 4 when the court of Ismailia will have to decide whether to accept the request for release.

April 29, 2021 (change April 29, 2021 | 09:51)


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