Is it possible to drink alcohol after having the vaccine against Covid-19? –

by time news

After having finally managed to get the vaccine against Covid the desire to celebrate a lot. Even if not finished, with the coveted injection we begin to glimpse the light at the end of the tunnel. But Can alcohol interfere with the immune response? It depends on how much you drink. To remember the New York Times which dedicates an article to the topic in which it cites various studies on alcohol and vaccines by interviewing Professor Ilhem Messaoudi, director of the Center for Virus Research at the University of California at Irvine.

How much can you drink?

There is no evidence that drinking a drink or two will make Covid vaccines less effective. However, some studies – reports the New York Times – argue that a small or moderate amount of alcohol could even benefit the immune system in the long term. However the excessive alcohol consumption, particularly in the long run, it can impair the ability of the immune system as well it could interfere with the vaccine response. The virologist Ilhem Messaoudi reassures: Those who drink moderately have nothing to fear in view of vaccination. The important thing not to overdo the toasts and not to exceed certain thresholds. Which? A moderate drinker is defined as a man who does not exceed two drinks a day and a woman who drinks no more than one drink a day, while a heavy drinker is one who drinks 4 or more drinks (and one who drinks 3 or more). It is dangerous to drink large quantities of alcohol because the effects on all biological systems, including the immune system, are quite severe and occur quickly as soon as the limits are exceeded dice Ilhem Messaoudi. Pier Mnnuccio Mannucci, hematologist of the Maggiore hospital, Milan Polyclinic confirms: Excessive doses of alcohol are to be avoided but no relationships between alcoholic beverages have been noted before and after the vaccine.

What happened in Russia

In fact, as early as last December, with the start of vaccinations Sputnik in Russia, recommendations had been issued not to overindulge with alcohol in the vaccination phase. A Russian official had suggested avoiding alcohol for two weeks before the vaccine and abstaining for 40 days after, precisely because alcohol could hinder the body’s ability to develop immunity. Heavy protests were unleashed in Russia since the country has one of the highest alcohol consumption rates in the world.

Studies available

There are no specific studies on the impact of alcohol on Covid vaccines. What is known comes from previous studies. It seems clear that excessive alcohol consumption alters the immune response and increases susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections. Alcohol abuse, according to a study by the University of Louisiana, hinders the travel of immune cells to the places where the infection is taking place, preventing them from destroying viruses and bacteria; on the contrary, it makes it easier for pathogens to invade cells. Drinking moderately does not seem to have this effect. In one study, scientists exposed 391 people to five different respiratory viruses and found moderate drinkers were less likely to develop colds, but only if they weren’t smokers.

The monkey experiment

An experiment on the subject was conducted by Professor Messaoudi who analyzed the immune response of rhesus macaques vaccinated against poxvirus (which causes rare zoonoses). The monkeys for seven months they had access to alcoholic beverages: Just like humans, some loved alcohol and drank it in large quantities while others showed less interest. What the scientists found that heavy drinking animals had a weak response to the vaccine. Their immune response was almost non-existent, says Messaoudi. On the other hand, animals that consumed only moderate amounts of alcohol generated a stronger response to the vaccine, even than abstainers. Studies in rats have come to similar conclusions: Mice that consume large amounts of alcohol have only a weak immune response to infections compared to animals that have been given moderate amounts of alcohol or no alcohol at all. So a glass of champagne, sparkling wine or wine to celebrate the vaccine is fine, but the advice not to go further in order not to compromise immunity.

April 29, 2021 (change April 29, 2021 | 10:50 am)


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