Everything you need to know about Vitamin E

by time news

The Vitamin E it is one of the best to have one beautiful, radiant and rejuvenated skin, but they are not their only ones. Believe it or not, it has multiple health benefits. Read on and find out everything you need to know about the Vitamin EI assure you that from now on you will want to take advantage of all its valuable benefits.

What is vitamin E and what is it for?

The Vitamin E It’s about a nutriente liposoluble, that is, they dissolve in the fats and oils of food, are easily absorbed in the body and are stored for a longer time. According to specialists from National Institutes of Health, the Vitamin E act like antioxidant to protect the cells of the body from damage by free radicals.

On the other hand, it helps to maintain the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria to prevent diseases, but it is also necessary for the formation of Red blood cells. In addition, it widens the blood vessels to prevent blood from clotting inside them.

Everything you need to know about Vitamin E/ Photo: iStock

Information from the United States National Library of Medicine suggests that the Vitamin E It is also important for the proper functioning of vision and favors the absorption of light. Vitamin Kbetter known as the ‘clotting vitamin’.

What diseases does vitamin E help prevent?

Although at Vitamin E is known as the ‘rejuvenating vitamin’it is believed that a higher consumption of vitamin E supplements may reduce the risk of developing heart disease, neurodegenerative diseasesuch as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. In addition, Mayo Clinic specialists suggest that the Vitamin E could improve the fatty liver symptoms

However, in the case of cancer, some studies indicate that the Vitamin E it cannot prevent this disease and could even be harmful when taken in high concentrations. Not only that, he National Institutes of Health, warns that it could interact with the chemotherapy or radiotherapy, hence the importance of consulting your doctor before taking vitamin E supplements or other kind of antioxidants.

Everything you need to know about Vitamin E/ Photo: iStock

What does vitamin E do on the skin of the face?

The Vitamin E It is one of the favorites to improve the appearance of the skin because it protects against the damage caused by free radicals, whether it is due to sun exposure, pollution or other environmental factors that accelerate the aging of the skin. aging process.

It’s not all, the Vitamin E deeply hydrates the skin to keep it soft and beautiful, improves the appearance of scars and stretch marks, reduces inflammation, redness and irritation of the skin.

What foods are rich in vitamin E?

Although they exist vitamin E supplementswe can also find it naturally in various foods, for example, in vegetable oils such as wheat germ, sunflower, safflower, corn and soybean oil, but also in the following foods:

  • Green leafy vegetables: spinach, lettuce or broccoli.
  • Nuts: peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, walnuts.
  • Fruits: mango, blackberries, plums, grapes or pears.

Everything you need to know about Vitamin E/ Photo: iStock

How much vitamin E do I need a day?

According to health specialists, the amount of Vitamin E What you need per day will depend on how old you are, if you are a man or a woman, and even if you are pregnant, as shown below.

Adults 19 years and over: 15 mg/day
Pregnant and lactating mothers: 15 mg/day
Children from 1 to 3 years: 6 mg/day
Children 4 to 8 years: 7 mg/day
Children 9 to 13 years: 11 mg/day
Adolescents 14 to 18 years: 15 mg/day

How do I know if I am getting enough vitamin E?

if you wear one balanced dietyou will probably get enough Vitamin E of your food, otherwise, you could present a vitamin E deficiency, causing nerve damage, muscle weakness, sensitivity in arms, legs, vision problems or weakening of the immune system.

Everything you need to know about Vitamin E/ Photo: iStock

Be careful, only a doctor can tell you if you have a vitamin E deficiency. However, although it is excellent for the skin, the high doses of vitamin E They could be dangerous, as they increase the risk of bleeding, in severe cases, hemorrhagic brain bleeding.

now that you know what is vitamin e, what it is good for and in what foods it is found, as well as the appropriate doses to take it, do not forget to consult with a specialist before running to the pharmacy for it. Take care of yourself!

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