“We waited for this ambulance for 1h30”, says a member of the “Medic” team

by time news

The vital prognosis is engaged for two men after the rally in Deux-Sèvres on Saturday to protest against the “mega-basins”. Demonstrators accuse the police of having hindered the intervention of relief for one of the injured.

Two men between life and death, and questions. In Deux-Sèvres, 48 ​​hours after the mobilization against the “mega-basins” of Sainte-Soline, the seriously injured demonstrator, Saturday March 25 during the violent clashes between the police and demonstrators, remains with “a vital prognosis committed” let his “comrades” know in a press release.

>> “Mega-basins”: demonstrators and gendarmes injured, mortar fire, burned vehicles… What happened on Saturday in Sainte-Soline?

What are the circumstances under which this young man was injured? According to the League for Human Rights and according to the press release signed by his “comrades”, this 30-year-old man received a disencirclement grenade in the head and very quickly found himself on the ground. His “comrades” who denounce the order of the command of the gendarmerie which, according to them, seriously delayed his support by the relief.

A second protester has his vital prognosis engaged after Saturday’s demonstration in Sainte-Soline, the Minister of the Interior announced at a press conference on Monday. “I want to have a thought for the two men who have their vital prognosis engaged in Sainte-Soline”said Gérald Darmanin.

A blockage of Samu by the police?

According to our sources, the protester 30 years old is a resident of the area, of the town of Melle in Deux-Sèvres. He was injured around 1:30 p.m. and would not have been taken care of until after 3 p.m. despite several calls to the Samu, as explained by a 39-year-old ex-nurse who was a volunteer with the “Medic” team on Saturday in Sainte-Soline. : “I saw a boy in his thirties on the ground, unconscious, with bleeding from the ears and nose, which is no doubt about a serious and urgent state of healthsays Caroline at the microphone of journalist Véronique Rebeyrotte for France Culture. There were several calls to Samu and 112 with an answer that was: ‘We have geolocated you. We’re sending you an ambulance.’ Except that we waited for this ambulance for 1h30 before the authorization was given by the prefect.

“I heard the voice of the Samu dispatcher pronounce the sentence: ‘Our ambulances are blocked by the police.’ There was a blockage that prevented this person from being evacuated earlier.”

Caroline, member of the “Medic” team in Sainte-Soline

at France Culture

According to the information we have gathered, the Samu de Niort crisis PC did indeed receive calls at the beginning of the afternoon, but the protocol requires that the teams only intervene in areas where they and their mission are secure. In short, if an area is deemed dangerous, doctors and rescuers do not advance. It is one of their fundamentals. The idea is that a wounded doctor himself is not of much use. On Saturday in Sainte-Soline, the gendarmes apparently for a certain period of time considered that the place was not safe because of the ongoing high-intensity clashes between law enforcement and opponents. On the side of the “comrades” of the injured thirty-year-old, it is estimated that this goes beyond and that there was hindrance on the part of the gendarmes.

Since late Saturday afternoon, the man has been in the Poitiers hospital center in the neurosurgical resuscitation service where he has already undergone at least one operation. The investigation opened by the Niort prosecutor on Sunday aims to find the causes of these serious injuries and also, we learned on Monday morning, to clarify this question of the emergency response time. The forensic institute of Poitiers was requested on Sunday to shed light on the investigation. It is the research section of the Poitiers gendarmerie which is seized of it.

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