Can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovarian syndrome?

by time news

He polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age, the problem is that its main symptoms are often confused with others health problems that we do not consider ‘urgent’. However, if we do not carry out adequate treatment, we could develop serious complicationscan i get pregnant if i have polycystic ovary syndrome?

Severe cramps, irregular periods, as well as the appearance of coarse hair in unwanted areas are some symptoms that can occur in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), but we almost never pay attention to these warning signs… until we want to get pregnant and receive the diagnosis.

What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?

He polycystic ovarian syndrome It’s about a hormonal disorder Common in women of reproductive age. According to specialists at the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, women with PCOS produce a large amount of androgens or masculine hormones, for this reason, it usually appears unwanted hair in certain areas of the body and periods become irregular.

Can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovary syndrome?/ Photo: iStock

Why do polycystic ovaries occur?

Although ovaries can develop small cysts or fluid-filled sacs due to the fhigh ovulation (anovulation), it is believed that PCOS is related to a hormone imbalance in the body, especially if women produce a greater amount of androgens.

On the other hand, most women who are usually diagnosed with PCOS are between 20 and 30 years of age, but about 15 percent of those of reproductive age may suffer from it.

Can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovary syndrome?/ Photo: iStock

What happens when a woman has polycystic ovaries?

When a woman rolls polycystic ovary syndromelos irregular periods They are one of the main warning signs. However, a heavy menstruation It’s also a symptom to watch for, as unwanted hair growth on the chin, arms, chest, and abdomen can affect up to 70 percent of women with PCOS.

Symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Acne: especially on the back, chest and face.
  • Obesity: 80 percent of women with PCOS have trouble losing weight.
  • Darkening of the skin: in the neck, armpits, groin or under the breasts due to acanthosis nigricans.
  • Thinning hair: can cause hair loss.
  • Infertility: Lack of ovulation can cause problems conceiving.

Many women develop Polycystic ovary syndrome They don’t always have warning symptoms, but they realize that something is wrong with their body until they try to get pregnant.

Can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovary syndrome?/ Photo: iStock

So that you have a clearer idea, you should know that women have follicles that contain ovules in each ovary, during the menstrual cycleour brain secretes a stimulating hormone for the follicle to mature and release the ovary.

when we suffer polycystic ovarian syndromethese follicles do not mature and the ovulationbut they accumulate and we can have up to a dozen in the ovaries, the problem is that without ovulation, there is no conception.

Can I get pregnant if I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Do not trust, yes you can get pregnant without requiring supportive treatment. Although yes, if your period is irregular, it is likely to be a little more complicated except in cases of amenorrhea or total absence of the period because ovulation does not exist.

Can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovary syndrome?/ Photo: iStock

What to do if I have polycystic ovarian syndrome?

If you want to become a mother, but you have PCOS, follow the following recommendations and do not hesitate to go to your gynecologist of confidence to contemplate your possibilities.

  • Lose weight: Losing weight through healthy eating and exercise can help regulate your menstrual cycle to improve your fertility.
  • Medications to induce ovulation: ask your doctor which ones he can prescribe.
  • Surgery: the ovarian drillingis a surgical treatment that can favor the ovulation by removing tissue in the ovaries, but this procedure is rarely done.
  • In Vitro Fertilization: One of the most effective methods for conceiving a baby, an egg is fertilized with the partner’s or donor’s sperm, then transferred to the uterus. A recommendable option, when medications do not help the ovulation.

Can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovary syndrome?/ Photo: iStock

How is polycystic ovary syndrome treated?

Information from Mayo Clinic recommends go to a gynecologist at the first symptoms. Only she will determine the specific treatment that may require lifestyle changes or medications.

If you still don’t feel ready to have children, but you want to become a mother, keep in mind that the older you are, the more difficult the process could be, after the age of 35 you could consider the possibility of freeze your eggs

now that you know what is polycystic ovary syndrome, what causes it, what are the warning symptoms and what you can do to improve your fertility, do not forget that going to the gynecologist is the best tool to keep this type of disorder at bay. Take care of yourself!

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