Barbie Girl: Almaz Mengistu in a hot pink mini dress Fashion Forward

by time news

Almaz Mangisto in a crazy pink dress (photo: Almaz Mangisto Instagram)

Trends, by their nature, are supposed to be temporary and pass away – although many of them return for another rotation. Sometimes a trend becomes a trend, but in these cases it’s often broad and versatile trends, like sportswear or a throwback to the early 2000s.

So what happens when a specific and targeted trend insists on staying? Ask the Barbie-Cour. Fashion house Valentino made this trend especially viral after a fashion show on pure pink, after which the red carpets and the Instagram feed were flooded with pink monochromatic looks. Every time it seems like this trend is about to pass, someone pulls out another dress or pink platform shoes and convinces us that it can be pulled off a little more.

This time it’s Maz Mengistu, a woman so beautiful that she can probably convince us to wear anything she wears. At the end of the week, Almaz uploaded to her Instagram feed a photo in a tight pink dress with vertical seams that flatter the figure, and surprisingly it is an extremely accessible item that belongs to the H&M chain.

So how long will the barbie-core continue with us? This summer, the movie “Barbie” starring Margot Robbie is finally expected to be released, and we predict that it will bring another such pink wave with it.

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