74.7% of Spaniards believe that it has worsened

by time news

Mental health has become one of the main concerns for the Spanish population. 74.7% consider that it has worsened and four out of ten assess the state of their current mental health negatively.

This is clear from the report “The situation of mental health in Spain”, carried out by the Mental Health Confederation Spain and the Madrid Mutual Foundationwhich has analyzed the state of mental health of Spaniards today.

More than two thousand peoples have participated in the study, the first of this magnitude and with these characteristics, carried out in 2022. It includes both the opinion of the general population, as well as those who have had mental health problems, their families and professionals of health.

In this sense, the question of mental health and his relationship with welfare It has been reflected, two intrinsically connected aspects, since for Spaniards mental health obtains an importance of 4.5 out of 5 in its effect on the general well-being of people.

What is the state of mental health in Spain?

He 74,7 % of participants believe that mental health has worsened in Spain in recent years.

Between the reasons most indicated as the cause of this worsening, appear:

  • economic difficulties.
  • Uncertainty about the future.
  • The pressure, demands and stress of everyday life.
  • The covid-19 pandemic.
  • The feeling that we live in an increasingly individualistic and highly competitive society.

In this way, the 57 % of them feel worried, fearful, depressed or sad more than a year after the end of the covid-19 pandemic.

As the report reveals, four out of ten people in Spain have suffered a depression throughout his life, a 47,6 % have experienced anxiety or panic attacks and a 36.9% prolonged anxiety in the time.

Suicide, more present in young people

On the other hand, the 14,5 % of the population declare having had suicidal ideas or attempting suicide, occurring to a greater extent among women women (15%) than in men (11.7%), something that also happens in the case of those who have come to harm themselves.

If we rely on the agesuicidal ideation or attempt, and self-harm occur to a greater degree in the group of young people from 18 to 24 years old.

Consumption of psychotropic drugs and medical care

It is also shown that a 18,9 % of the population over 18 consume psychotropic drugs and the 75 % of them does it to diary.

The most used are anxiolytics and the antidepressantswhich is most frequently prescribed by the Primary Care physician, followed by the psychiatrist.

Regarding medical care, the 26,2 % of people currently go to a mental health specialist as a psychologist or psychiatrist and, even in some cases, both.

What is the profile of the person with poor mental health like?

Report “The situation of mental health in Spain”

The study has also evaluated the profile and situation of people with their own experience in mental health problems, since almost one in four Spaniards are part of this group.

Regarding the people who have received the diagnosis of a mental health problem, most were during the youthwhere the middle Ages is situated in the twenty six years.

Among the causes most indicated as triggers are:

  • Family problems and relationships (36,3 %).
  • Self-demand in the professional or academic fields (32,4 %).

In addition, among the people diagnosed, more than half have felt social rejection at some point in his life and the 55 % have felt discriminated against, especially in the labor sphere.

What are the most vulnerable groups?

Las women are positioned as the group that suffers the most mental health problems, specifically, a 61,3 %In front of a 38,3 % of the men.

Also they youths belonging to the age group between 18 and 34 years represent a vulnerable group, being those who value their mental health most negatively, where only 30.8% consider that their mental health is good or very good.

More health and social measures, a necessity

In general terms, the population believes that not enough resources are allocated to mental health care. In this way, they defend the need to promote more measurements both health and social that address this problem, including:

  • Increase the number of mental health professionals.
  • ensure the continuity of treatment with the same professional throughout the process.
  • The existence of more community mental health centers.

In addition to actions to prevent work stress, harassment, loneliness and promote resilience, as well as specific prevention and awareness programs with regard to education.

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