The change in blood donation forms: Despite MDA’s compromise in yeshivot, the boycott continues

by time news

Two months ago, there was an unusual disconnect between a number of high-level meetings of the national religious sector and Magen David Adom, following a change in the wording of the forms submitted to blood donors. Meetings called for not donating blood through the organization due to the change made in the documents that are filled out before the donation – instead of filling in the details of the father and the details of the mother it is written: “Parent 1” and “Parent 2.”

However, after it was announced last month that MDA had succumbed to the pressure and returned the original forms with the words “mother” and “father,” a new problem arose, according to which the meetings in religious Zionism continue the boycott. The question of the country of origin of the parents, and to be content with the question of the country of birth of the donor only, but for meetings it is not enough.

About forty yeshivas and institutions in religious Zionism and a number of localities informed MDA that they would return blood as soon as the original forms were returned, indicating the country of origin “father” and the country of origin “mother”, and not as proposed in the compromise. This week in the locality.

Mobile for blood donation. Photo Archive: Louis Fisher / Flash90

“We stand for our right to continue to donate blood, as we were educated to give and donate, without being re-educated.”

Among the institutions that joined the protest are senior yeshivas in religious Zionism, some with hundreds of students. The list of yeshivas includes Yeshivat Ma’ale Adumim, Yeshivat Shavei Hebron, Yeshivat Hesder in Eilat, Yeshivat Hesder in Beit She’an, Yeshivat Itamar, Yeshivat Sderot, Yeshivat Olga, Yeshivat Shadmot Mehola, Yeshivat Alon Moreh, Yeshivat HaKotel, Yeshivat Ateret Cohanim, Mechinat Ali, Yeshivat Har Hamor, Yeshivat Nir in Kiryat Arba, Yeshivat Or VeYeshua, Yeshivat Ma’ale Eliyahu, and many other yeshivas.

“Until now, MDA has enjoyed the opportunity to reach an institution or yeshiva and thus raise a large number of people in a short time, which is not possible now. A.

One of the leaders of the protest explained, “We stand by our right to continue to donate blood, as we were educated to give and donate, without being re-educated. Exploiting our contribution to the introduction of radical and progressive agendas. We will return to donate soon in the original forms in which we donated for years, “he added.

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