Young people explore the potential of science to protect the planet

by time news

AseBio and the National Museum of Natural Sciences are once again collaborating to bring society, and in particular the new generation, closer to research and biotechnological solutions to combat climate change.

The Spanish Association of Biocompanies (AseBio), national coordinator of the European Climate Pact, and the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC), join again in an initiative to show the concrete responses of science to take care of the planet . During the month of March, the … + read more

Chiesi Spain welcomes Goretti Hidalgo as the new Head of Corporate Communication

Hidalgo will lead the communication strategy of the Spanish subsidiary, reporting to Carmen Basolas, Director of Institutional Relations, Communication and Sustainability of Chiesi Spain. + read more

New impetus for public-private collaboration in favor of science

The General CSIC Foundation visits the Lilly R&D center in Alcobendas (Madrid) with the aim of seeking new ways of collaboration. + read more

Pfizer reinforces its commitment to sustainable innovation

The organization publishes its Sustainability Report in Spain for the 2021 financial year, where it shows its commitment to sustainable innovation. + read more

The Pfizer Foundation brings the SDGs closer to the younger population

Nearly 5,250 students from 70 schools in Spain learn about the Sustainable Development Goals with the ‘Health Guardians 2030’ program of the Pfizer Foundation. + read more

Biotechnology facing the climate and energy challenge

AseBio and FUNDECYT-PCTEx celebrate the V edition of the Green Innovation Forum in Mérida. + read more

The public investment of PERTE for Vanguardia Health will amount to 1,500 million euros

Darias stressed that PERTE is a strategic instrument for strengthening Primary and Community Care, aligning the Digital Transformation Plan for Primary and Community Care with the Digital Health Strategy. + read more

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