Differences between soluble coffee and specialty coffee. Which is better?

by time news

We know you can’t start your day without cafébut do you know what are the differences between soluble coffee and specialty coffee? Some of its benefits will depend on which one you choose

To enter into context, we first need to tell you what we mean by each one and what are the differences between soluble coffee and specialty coffee so you can choose the one that best suits your body and lifestyle.

Differences between soluble coffee and specialty coffee. Which is better? / Photo: iStock

What is specialty coffee?

According to the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), it is called specialty coffee to Arabica type coffee with a tasting score of at least 80 points. This implies that the coffee had meticulous care from planting to harvest and consumption.

To obtain a coffee with this score, different parameters are evaluated, such as the care process, the characteristics of the green bean, the process prior to roasting, and roasting.

In addition, the Association of Specialty Coffee highlights that, within the definition of what is specialty coffeeall the members of the coffee chain participate, from the producer who sows and harvests, the buyer of the green bean, the roaster, the barista and the consumer.

In this way it is said that the specialty coffee It really corresponds to a chain of processes where all the parties involved care about the care of the coffee from the planting to the cup.

This ensures that if you consume specialty coffeeyou are sure that this drink went through a care process that allows you to experience a different cup of commercial coffee.

Differences between soluble coffee and specialty coffee. Which is better? / Photo: iStock

What is soluble coffee?

On the other hand, the café soluble It does not go through a tasting process, so it can be of the Arabic, Robusta variety, or a mixture of both.

Given the production and maquila nature of the café solublethere is no care in the grain, so buyers only look at buying the coffee cherry without analyzing where it comes from or what were the precautions for its harvest.

As for roasting, usually when dealing with grains that have not been cared for, they are roasted at high temperatures to hide the flavor defects of a bad harvest, which causes the strong and bitter flavors with which we associate this drink.

In addition, it has been observed that the café soluble contains acrylamide, a chemical component associated with cancer, because according to the National Cancer Institute, prolonged exposure to this chemical could increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

Differences between soluble coffee and specialty coffee. Which is better? / Photo: iStock

Which is better: soluble coffee or specialty coffee?

Although it is true that both are sources of antioxidants due to the benefits of coffee, there are differences that you must take into account to decide which will be your companion in the morning.

Here we present 3 differences between soluble coffee and specialty coffee:

  • Cost: Due to the complexity of the process behind the specialty coffeealmost always ends up being more expensive than soluble coffee.
  • Accessibility: Although it is true that the café soluble can be found almost anywhere, nowadays the sites that offer specialty coffee have been on the rise, so it won’t be hard to find a dealer if you’re looking to try something different.
  • Taste: Regarding the differences, a considerable point in favor of the specialty coffee is that you can find different flavors in each cup of coffee. There are even flavors like guarana, guava and even strawberries due to the same properties of the grain and the perfectly cared for process, without adding flavorings or sugars.
    He specialty coffee as opposed to soluble coffee it is an excellent option for a diet free of fats and sugars because it is easily enjoyed without milk or sugar.
  • Fair treatment: Regarding the social issue, choose specialty coffee over the café soluble guarantees that the cup that reaches your palate went through fair treatment processes between producers and roasters, that is, the remuneration was equivalent for the producing families, which guarantees a better quality of life for them.
    On the other hand, since the café soluble It does not have a well-established origin or purchasing process, it can come from unfair deals in which producers are poorly paid for poor quality coffee.

As you can see, in the differences between specialty coffee and soluble coffee There are advantages and disadvantages, however, each one adapts to different needs that depend on each person.

In this case, if you are a regular coffee drinker, you might want to try the alternative specialty coffee experience; maybe it will become your favourite.

If coffee is part of your daily routine, we leave you more information about the benefits of this powerful drink:

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