Grunis to Saar: “Take care of filling a position for the position of Speaker”

by time news

The selection committee for the position of attorney general, who will replace Avichai Mandelblit, convened last night for the first procedural hearing.

Mandelblit will end his 6-year term at the end of January 2022. Allegedly, the committee should have formulated its recommendation before this deadline, but retired Supreme Court President Asher Grunis serving as chairman of the search committee informed Justice Minister Gideon Saar that the committee would not end its work By the end of January. According to Grunis, the committee’s work is expected to continue at least into February and that the real time for completion is the beginning of March.

In light of this, the government will have to appoint another lawyer to the position of ombudsman as a vacancy for the interim period until the work of the committee is completed. It should be noted that filling a position for the ombudsman also requires consultation with the locating committee.

It will be recalled that the convening of the committee was delayed after the government representative on the committee, Meir Sheetrit, announced his resignation following the storm caused by his election. It took another hour for Saar to appoint former Justice Minister Dan Meridor to replace him in the prestigious committee.

According to Grunis’ decision, the deadline for applying for the position on behalf of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice and the members of the search committee is 20 December.

The most prominent candidate for the position on the part of Justice Minister Gideon Saar is Adv. Gali Bahrav-Myara, former Tel Aviv District Attorney (civil) and currently a private attorney in Dudi Tadmor’s office.

Although Rabbi Miara is wanted by the minister, she is expected to encounter significant difficulty in the search committee – this in light of her lack of experience in the criminal field and in the field of counseling and legislation. Saar prepared in advance for this “problem” and decided to ask the search committee to recommend a number of candidates, from whom the government will select the desired and worthy candidate in its eyes. This is how Saar intended to increase her chances.

Another prominent candidate who enjoys great support among the committee members is Adv. Raz Nazri, who has been the deputy ombudsman since 2011. Adv. Itai Ofir, the defense system ombudsman, is also on the list of candidates and even has the reluctant support of Saar.

Deputy Attorney General (International Law) Roi Sheindorf is also among the candidates, as is Adv. Il Yinon, former Knesset Spokesman. Both Afek and Yinon are simultaneously on the list of candidates for the position of Supreme Court judge.

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