How do I know if I am in a credit bureau?

by time news

What is the Credit Bureau?

The Credit Bureau is a Credit Information Society that provides reliable data of people and companies that have had or have some type of credit with financial entities, commercial companies or Multiple Purpose Financial Companies (Sofomes).

Check Free Credit Bureau with Condusef

  • Request a special credit report by email [email protected] or by phone 55-53400-999.
  • You must have scanned CURP, INE, RFC and proof of address.
  • Wait for a response and instructions up to five business days.

Check the Credit Bureau at the window

  • Locate the nearest User Service Unit at .
  • Go to the window with your RFC, INE, CURP and proof of address.
  • Upon arrival, request a free consultation from your Credit Bureau.
  • You must fill out a form and provide an email to which the report will be sent to you within a period of five business days.

Other options to consult Credit Bureau

If you have any questions about your situation in any Credit Information Society, visit the official pages y .

Beware of fraudulent websites

The Condusef issued an alert for the existence of the website that seeks to deceive people by offering to delete them from the Credit Bureau or to stop legal collection actions.

The page requests personal data from the user using a format that resembles the Special Credit Report form used by the Credit Bureau, in this way they take advantage of information such as name, address, telephone number, RFC, CURP and email.

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