Israel’s parliament passes law allowing US access to fingerprint data | Middle East

by time news
Scenes from a session Israel’s Parliament in Jerusalem. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

According to the Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Tel Aviv, the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) on March 28 approved an important bill to pave the way for the country to join the US visa waiver program.

The Times of Israel reported that the document was voted on by MPs in the second and final round to become law, allowing Israeli police to share personal data of Israeli citizens with the federal security agency. US agencies, including fingerprint data.

Specifically, the document provides for the introduction into law of provisions for the implementation of an agreement and a memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and the United States to allow law enforcement agencies and agencies responsible for counter-terrorism in the US has access to the Israeli police fingerprint database.

The above US agencies can import identification data generated from fingerprints into a specialized system to compare with identification data in the Israeli police database. In the event these data match, Israeli police can transfer identifying information from fingerprints, fingerprints as well as information in criminal records to the above US agencies, all of which subject to the conditions set forth in the bill.

[Quốc hội Israel phê chuẩn dự luật hạn chế bãi nhiệm thủ tướng]

The text of the interpretation of the law says that the content of the bill is limited as much as possible to minimize harm to the privacy of Israeli citizens.

Under US federal law, one of the conditions for a country to participate in the visa waiver program is to enter into an agreement to increase information sharing between the country and the participating country on issues that threaten to public security and welfare.

This condition complements a series of additional requirements that the US is imposing on countries wishing to participate in the program.

To meet the above condition, the Government of Israel had to sign an agreement with the US Government to increase cooperation against felons and terrorists, as well as a memorandum of understanding on enhanced cooperation and cooperation. maintain border security.

Quang Minh (VNA/Vietnam+)

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