‘It’s a uniform for girls too, don’t throw dye’; Crying girl with folded hands

by time news
# Own author

“There is no money in my house, the uniform is to be used by my younger sister, don’t do anything,” it was a plus two student who was crying and pleading with her hands. Seeing the tragic scene, the police did not think twice, reached the girl and kept the other children away and calmed down the scene.

symbolic image | Photo: ANI

PRiksha is over, long vacation, sad that I will not be able to see my dear friends during the two month long vacation. Following this, some of the mischief of the students arises from the thought that they can celebrate the last day of school. Often learning sad stories about fellow students is at some celebratory moment. It will be too late to understand that many of the friends who are laughing and playing with are walking with great sorrows. One such incident happened in Kalikavu in Malappuram last day.

The background is the main school in the hills. The students were celebrating after the last day of exams. As everyone had already decided, immediately after the examination in vehicles etc., we moved to the adjacent Ambalakunn Maidani, thinking that everyone would join together and part ways celebratoryly. To spice up the parting scene, a book-shredding celebration with autographs and body paint on uniforms that will never be used again. In such a way, when the students started smearing paint on each other on the field and signing their uniforms, a girl’s cry came from among them.

“There is no money in my house, my sister It’s a uniform to use too, don’t do anything” It was a plus two student who folded her hands and cried. Seeing the tragic scene, the police did not think twice, reached the girl and kept the other children away and calmed down the scene.

On investigation, it is revealed that this child comes from a financially difficult family situation living in a hilly area. The girl’s sister, who is a plus two student, is also studying in the same school. She is saving this uniform for her younger sister to use next school year. Let the children be able to respect that care. The world of promiscuity sometimes doesn’t understand that.

Currently, a pair of uniforms costs around Rs. Since students wear uniforms to school most days of the week, students definitely need two pairs of uniforms. It will cost about two thousand rupees to get two pairs. Apart from this, books and other school materials will also have to bear huge expenses. It is often difficult for ordinary people to carry such a huge amount. While many will reuse books, uniforms will rarely be reused by many. Therefore, on the last day, all the students sign and paint their uniforms and return happily with memories.

Signatures and notes that used to be limited to autographs are now reaching uniform shirts and body paint. Feeling that they are no longer needed, students tear up the books and go as far as destroying the benches, boards and other public goods of the class they have studied. Fall in schools is what happens after the last exam before the summer break. Some of the antics of the former students, who say goodbye with a solemn, see-you-again-in-new-classes, go too far. This time the police were also alert to prevent such excessive celebrations.

We have seen cases where open jeeps, luxury cars and bikes are organized by students to celebrate the last day of school, and they gather in groups and drive dangerously, often leading to many accidents. The police had already given instructions to the teachers to avoid getting into any such problems this time. Police patrol has also been established. The police had clarified that if complaints are received from the school, they will take appropriate action.

Exam season is over, now let’s enjoy and celebrate. As we head into the holidays, let’s remember classmates like these as we prepare to make the last day memorable. Be careful not to overdo the celebration. No tears should fall on the coating paint.

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