CPF restrictions can be avoided: Learn how

by time news

Restrictions on CPF can be avoided: Find out how Request to update the information in your Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) or regularize the registration that is in the status “Suspended“.

The situation “Suspended” means that the registration is incorrect or incomplete and there is no pending delivery of declarations. To resolve, update your personal information in the CPF.

The situation “Pending Regularization” means that you failed to deliver an Income Tax Return (DIRPF) in the last five years. To regularize the CPF in this case, just deliver the missing statements. Consult your debts and outstanding debts to find out which statements need to be sent.

Who can use this service? Citizen enrolled in the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF).

Steps for performing this service

Request change or regularization
Request the change or regularization of your CPF by filling out one of the electronic forms below.
Web : Change CPF, if the situation is regular
Web: Regularize CPF, if the situation is suspended
Web : Complement information in the CPF (e-CAC)
Web : Change address in CPF (e-CAC)
For non-exterior residents
Web : Update CPF of residents abroad
In affiliated units
In person : Civil Registry of Natural Persons;
Bank of Brazil;
Caixa Econômica Federal;
or Post Office.
Estimated waiting time : Up to 15 minute(s)

To include social name
In person : Schedule an appointment at the IRS
Estimated waiting time : Up to 15 minute(s)

Common documentation for all cases

Official identification document with photo of the interested party;
To include social name

Social name inclusion request }
In affiliated units

Tarifa R$7.00
On average 5 minute(s)

present documents If, after completing the electronic form or contacting a partner entity, a protocol servicesubmit the documents below to the Federal Revenue to complete the service.

Email : Email support
In person: Schedule an appointment at the Federal Revenue Service
Estimated waiting time : Up to 15 minute(s)

For non-exterior residents
In person : Non-exterior units (Adidâncias)
Estimated waiting time : Up to 15 minute(s)

DOCUMENTATION Common documentation for all cases

Official identity document with photo;

Voter card or document proving electoral enlistment (waived during the election period or for minors under 18);

Birth certificate or marriage certificate, if the identity document does not contain place of birth, affiliation or date of birth.For citizens aged 16 or 17

If requested by one of the parents, official ID with a photo of the applicant (one of the parents);For citizens under 16 years of age, guardianship or subject to guardianship

Official identity document with a photo of the applicant (one of the parents, guardian, or guardian);

Document proving guardianship or responsibility for custody, as the case may be, of the incapable person;For citizens with disabilities and over 18 years old (requested by a relative up to the 3rd degree)

Medical certificate attesting to the disability;

Official identification document with photo of the applicant (spouse, cohabiting partner, ascendant, descendant or collateral relative up to the 3rd degree);

Document proving kinship.for deceased citizen

Death, birth or marriage certificate containing the annotation of the date of death;

Official identity document with photo of the applicant;

Document proving the legitimacy of the applicant.If documents are sent by email

Face picture (selfie) of the citizen holding his/her own identity document (or legal guardian, if applicable);

Proof of residence.
Immediate service

Follow the progress of the order
If you sent the documents from the 2nd stage by email, follow the progress of the application using the service protocol number generated in the 1st stage.
Web: Consult order status
Immediate service

Consult CPF
Consult the registration status or the information in your CPF.
Web : Consult registration situation in the CPF
Web : Consult registration information (e-CAC Portal)

Other information
How long does it take? On average, 1 business day(s) is the estimated time for providing this service.

Additional information to the estimated time
The time for answering services by email may vary according to demand.
This service is free for citizens.

For more information or questions about this service, contact
How to request CPF services by email
CPF guidelines
Contact us
This is a service of the Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil. In case of doubts, complaints or suggestions please contact him.


RFB Normative Instruction No. 1.548/2015
Treatment to be given to the user in the service
The user must receive, in accordance with the principles expressed in Law No. 13,460/17, a service based on the following guidelines:





Presumption of good faith by the user;



Security; It is

Information on conditions of accessibility, signage, cleanliness and comfort of service locations

The user of the public service, as established by Law nº 13.460/17, is entitled to face-to-face assistance, when necessary, in healthy, safe, signposted, accessible and adequate facilities for the service and assistance.

Information about who is entitled to priority treatment
Persons with disabilities, the elderly aged 60 years or over, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with infants and the obese are entitled to priority assistance, as established by law 10,048, of November 8, 2000.

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