Charles III and Camilla in Germany: outfits, dates and pictures

by time news

It is King Charles III’s first official state visit after he became monarch. For three days he and Camilla will visit Germany. They start their trip in Berlin. In the capital they will spend the night in the luxury hotel Adlon. Your hosts, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender, attach great importance to the visit. From Steinmeier’s point of view, it is about nothing less than “opening a new chapter in Anglo-German relations,” as the Federal President’s Office puts it.

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The Royals are received at Berlin Airport with a 21-gun salute. From there it goes to the Brandenburg Gate, where numerous fans are already gathering. Charles will attend a reception at Bellevue Palace on the topic of energy transition and sustainability, to which stakeholders from politics, research, business and civil society are invited. In the evening, the big state banquet will take place in Bellevue Palace.

Those: dpa

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