Lauterbach on Corona: “The situation is slowly stabilizing” – domestic policy

by time news

The corona numbers continue to go down – finally!

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (58, SPD) said hopefully on Twitter about the current infection and hospitalization figures.

► On Monday morning he wrote: “The situation is slowly stabilizing, and the decline in the number of cases is real.” He was referring specifically to those infected with corona who have to be treated in intensive care units.

Lauterbach warned at the same time not to endanger the downward trend with Christmas. And: “Since the number of cases is still far too high, the booster campaign must be stepped up,” Lauterbach continues.

The Conference of Ministers of Health (GMK) will meet again on Tuesday. There Lauterbach wants to present his corona plan to the health ministers of the federal states. Among other things, he would like an end to the corona test obligation for boosters.

The protection for this group is many times higher. Sending such vaccinated people for testing does not make sense from a medical point of view. In addition, an end to the obligation to test could be an incentive to have the booster vaccination administered, according to Lauterbach in the ARD program “Anne Will”.

▶ ︎ On Tuesday, a new committee of experts is to come together for the first time, which is supposed to put the scientific advice of the federal government on a broader basis. Lauterbach emphasized that the circle was balanced. The results should be incorporated into politics in a more binding and transparent manner.

The health minister also defended plans for a general vaccination requirement. With the old virus variants you could have done without, but probably not with the more contagious Delta variant. “This is all the more true with the Omikron variant.”

The corona numbers are falling

The nationwide hospital incidence fell slightly on Monday compared to the previous day. And the number of new infections has also decreased again compared to the previous week.

New infections: 21,743. Exactly one week ago there were 27,836 infections.

Hospital Incidence: 5.17. On Sunday the value was 5.75.

7-day incidence: 389.2. The previous day the value was 390.9, a week ago it was 441.9 (previous month: 277.4).

In the Divi intensive care register, around 3262 intensive care beds were shown as free on Monday morning (an average of 2.6 per location), of which 1149 were specific for Covid-19.


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