Seymour Hersh grapples with Biden turning a deaf ear – VP News – ‘no talking’

by time news

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hershin a relationship revealed that it was Biden who ordered the destruction of North Stream 2, but the media and the establishment rallied around him with puerile and contradictory justifications. Furthermore, the United States recently rejected the request (made by China, Russia and Brazil) to form an international investigative team to investigate the incident. Here is the text that the journalist published on his blog:

The Biden administration continues to hide its responsibility for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines.

SIt’s been six weeks since I posted a relationship based on anonymous sources, which names President Joe Biden as the official who, last September, ordered the mysterious destruction of Nord Stream 2, the new $11 billion pipeline that was to double the volume of natural gas delivered from Russia to Germany. My reconstruction came to Germany and Western Europe, but a partial media blackout has fallen in the United States. Two weeks ago, after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Washington, US and German intelligence agencies have attempted to dig deeper into the blackout by providing the New York Times e to the German weekly The timefalse stories to counter reports that Biden and US agents were responsible for destroying the pipelines.

White House and Central Intelligence Agency press officers have consistently denied that the United States was responsible for the pipeline explosions, and those pro forma denials were more than enough for the White House press corps. There is no indication that a White House reporter ever asked the White House press secretary if Joe Biden had done what any serious leader would have done: officially “task” the US intelligence community to conduct a thorough investigation. , by all its means, and find out who carried out the attack in the Baltic Sea. According to a source within the intelligence community, the president has not and will not. Why? Because he already knows the answer.

Sarah Miller, energy expert and editor at Energy Intelligence, which publishes the main sector magazines, explained to me in an interview why the story of the pipeline made headlines in Germany and Western Europe”. The destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines in September led to a further increase in natural gas prices, which were already six or more times higher than pre-crisis levels., he has declared. ” Nord Stream erupted at the end of September. German gas imports peaked a month later in October at 10 times pre-crisis levels. Electricity prices have risen across Europe and governments have spent up to €800 billion, according to some estimates, to protect households and businesses from the impact of the crisis. Gas prices, reflecting the mild winter in Europe, are now down to about a quarter of their October peak but remain between two and three times higher than pre-crisis levels and are more than three times higher than current US rates . Over the past year, manufacturers in Germany and other European countries have shut down their most energy-intensive businesses, such as fertilizer and glass manufacturing, and it’s still unclear when, if at all, these factories will reopen. Europe is pushing to build solar and wind capacity, but it may not come soon enough to save swathes of German industry “. (Sarah Miller scrive su Medium.)

In early March, President Biden hosted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Washington. This trip featured only two public events: a formal brief exchange of compliments between Biden and Scholz before the White House press corps, no questions asked, and an interview by Scholz by Fareed Zakaria at CNNwhich would not touch on the pipeline charges. The chancellor had gone to Washington without bringing any member of the German press with him, no official dinner was scheduled and the two world leaders had no intention of holding a press conference, as usually happens in such important meetings. Instead, it was later reported that Biden and Scholz had an 80-minute meeting, with no attendees most of the time. No written declaration or agreement has since been made public by the two governments, but someone with access to diplomatic intelligence told me that there was a discussion about the exposure of the pipeline and that, as a result, some elements of the Central Intelligence Agency have asked to prepare some counter-argument, to dismiss the claim that Biden ordered the destruction of the pipelines.

AUTHOR: Seymour Hersh

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