The resistance of the Forest of Tosca

by time news

He CEF Bosc de Tosca lives its first season a First Catalan and, with eight days left to finish the league, it is in the relegation zone. However, it only has a cushion against relegation. Chaining, until last week, nine games in a row without losing keeps him alive. The set of The Dams has a block of players who in 2015 fought in fields of Third Catalan. One of them is Frank Dorca, the captain The central Les Preses, 37 years old, leads a life in Bosc de Tosca. He trained there from pre-Benjamin to cadet and then finished the base football stage at Olot – he also got to play in the first team, in Primera Regional. In his first year as an amateur he was under the orders of Raul Agné, in Peralada, in Third Division. The adventure outside La Garrotxa lasted a year and he decided to return home.

Castellar’s wound, closed

Dorca is the leader of a gang team that is resilient and persistent. In 2017 they had a failed first promotion to Primera Catalana with a promotion to Castellar del Vallès and they were able to close the wound last year with the longed-for direct promotion as runner-up to Segona Catalana, behind Can Gibert. In no way do they now want to let slip a category that has cost them so much to touch: “We are having a good season in a very nice league with historic teams and stadiums. But we must continue, we concede fewer goals than at the beginning and we must improve from face-to-face. Let’s see if we can string together victories that give us some peace of mind”, explains Dorca, one of the survivors of the team that eight years ago played in Tercera Catalana together with Baba, Teti Parés, Dawda, Meji, Aulinas and Pol Serra, among others

“When we were in Tercera Catalana, no one would have said that we would finish in First. are we of the few teams where the players are not paid; the club does things very well both in the first team and in base football”. In the squad they have a player who made his debut in the First Division with Barça, Ramon Masó, and until last season they had the well-known striker Uri Santos, who is still linked to the club as director of methodology. Does the Bosc de Tosca have a roof? “In terms of category, we can’t think of anything else. With the restructuring, the Primera Catalana must be our league, since the Superliga is very far away”, acknowledges the captain of the Jan Miquel Salavedra and Jordi Boix teams, who is considering retiring at the end of the season.

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