Judiciary recovered more than S/ 26 million in assets for the State

by time news

The magistrates who are members of the Specialized Transitory Appeals Chamber and the Specialized Transitory Court for Asset Forfeiture of the Superior Court of Justice of La Libertad recovered more than 26 million soles in assets for the Peruvian State as a result of the issuance of consensual judgments and firm, in its almost four years of operation.

According to the report presented to the Presidency of this Court, from May 2019 to February 2023, the Specialized Transitory Court for Asset Forfeiture of La Libertad, headed by Judge Hilda Cevallos Bonilla, has managed to recover the sum of 4′ 109,178,162 soles in favor of State ownership, with the issuance of judgments declared consent by their respective court.

For its part, the Transitory Appeals Chamber Specialized in Domain Forfeiture of La Libertad – made up of senior judges Juan Rodolfo Segundo Zamora Barboza, Carlos Augusto Falla Salas and Olegario David Florián Vigo – in the same period of time, recovered the sum of 22′ 319,353.65 soles, through final judgments that declared the extinction of ownership of movable and immovable property obtained with profits from illegal activities.

In view of this, the president of the Superior Court of Justice of La Libertad, senior judge Víctor Alberto Martín Burgos Mariños, expressed his recognition and institutional congratulations to both the judges and the personnel who work in these jurisdictional bodies for the prompt attention to the processes that are processed in the two offices, through Administrative Resolution no. 325-2023.

It should be noted that the appeals chamber has northeastern macro-regional jurisdiction, covering the Judicial Districts of La Libertad, Tumbes, Piura Sullana, Lambayeque, Cajamarca, Amazonas, Santa, Ancash and Loreto; and that both this jurisdictional body and the specialized transitory court that came into effect in May 2019, belong to the Specialized National Subsystem for Asset Forfeiture.

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