The help of 501 euros that you can request if you only do household chores

by time news

Clean the house and take care of household chores they are indispensable tasks and which, on many occasions, are carried out without remuneration economic unless an external person is hired to carry them out. In addition, these tasks are associated, for the most part, to giftsaccording to some studies carried out by the United Nations (UN).

In Spain, housewives live in a complicated situation, since they don’t have enough income to have a support if they only work at home and do not have an extra job. Faced with this situation, the State has addressed the matter through some measures they can help financially people dedicated exclusively to household tasks.

Income from Active Insertion

The State has tools that provide people who do household chores with an economic contribution enough to stay. This is the Active Insertion Income (RAI), which goes up to 501 euros per month and that can be received during 11 mesos.

However, you should know that it cannot be requested in all cases, but that this aid is intended for some specific profiles, where the family situation and unemployment are taken into account. To request it, you must meet some prerequisites:

  • Not having arranged before the Income from Active Insertion.

  • The average income of all members of the family unit under 26 years of age cannot overcome the 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary of 1,080 euros.

  • The own income of the person who is requesting the aid cannot be greater than 75% the lSMI.

  • The applicant must be stopped

  • People will not be able to request it older than 65 years.

Applying for it is very simple and you only need to follow a few steps.

How to apply for Active Insertion Income

To apply for this aid you can ask prior appointment at the SEPE and doing it from face-to-face through the official application form. However, it can also be done online, although it will be necessary to have certificat digital o Cl@ve PIN through the ‘Access Requests’ button.

All you have to do is complete the different steps with the required data. The answers will not be immediate, so don’t despair if you don’t get an immediate response. These could take up to a month.

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