5 tricks recommended by science to stop snoring

by time news

According to a recent American study, one in two individuals suffers from snoring or lives with someone who snores. And 70% of them are desperately looking for a way to quit. But are there any effective ways to stop snoring?

Snoring is caused by the vibration of the soft tissues in the upper airways. When we sleep, our muscles relax, and the upper airways are no exception.

However, if their relaxed tissues get too close, they reduce the passage of air, generating vibrations that produce the typical snoring sound.

But snoring can also be linked to sleep apnea, a condition in which the airways become so blocked that breathing stops during the night.

That’s why it’s a good idea to see a doctor or sleep specialist to discuss your symptoms and identify possible causes of snoring.

Do not sleep on your back

There are several effective methods to stop snoring or at least to alleviate the discomfort. Sleeping on your back is one of the main causes of snoring. The best known is to avoid sleeping on your back. Sleep doctors recommend sleeping in fetal position, because when you sleep on your back, gravity pushes the soft tissue at the back of your neck, preventing airflow. If you are unable to maintain this position while sleeping, you can try attaching a bulky object, such as a tennis ball, to the back of your pajamas to discourage lying down.

Another affordable solution suggested by experts is the use of adhesive nasal strips or nasal dilators, available in pharmacies. Although not the sexiest nighttime accessory, these bands can prove useful in reducing snoring by promoting greater airflow. Nose strips actually force the nostrils to open a little more than normal, reducing vibrations and improving breathing.

Using of extra pillows it may also be helpful for some people in reducing snoring. Similarly, using humidifiers and air purifiers in the bedroom has been shown to promote easier breathing. Clean, well-ventilated air reduces the risk of snoring being caused by environmental pollution or allergies that, by inflaming the airways, can intensify the noise.

Doctors also recommend that you make sure you maintain a healthy weight: weight reduction for those who are overweight can improve snoring, eventually even eliminating it (if this reason is to blame).

Last but not least, snorers should avoid drinking alcohol Before bed: Alcohol is actually a primary risk factor for snoring because it relaxes the upper airway muscles, causing them to collapse during the night and amplifying the noise.

Usually, snorers are rarely bothered by their own snoring. According to Daniel Barone, an expert in sleep medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian, he says: “snoring can wake us up, especially if you have sleep apnea. But constant loud snoring that annoys a bed partner is something our bodies can adapt to because the brain knows it’s not a threat.”

38% of those interviewed in the American study admitted that they choose to sleep in separate rooms because of snoring and 28% end up resorting to sleeping pills.

And, unfortunately, for 15% of respondents, their partner’s nocturnal snoring could be so severe as to cause the end of a romantic relationship.

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