European Declaration on Cycling

by time news

March 29, 2023

The European Commission will shortly announce a new European Declaration on Cycling, which seeks to give new impetus to cycling in all EU countries. This was announced by the executive vice president of the EC, Frans Timmermans during his speech at the Cycling Industries Europe Summit 2023.

The goal is to double the amount of safe cycling infrastructure across Europe and mobilize all the necessary financial instruments for this. Thus, this initiative will contain easy-to-understand principles to promote cycling and the actions that member countries should develop on it. It will also clarify the financing and the specific rules that will make it possible to realize these principles.

In addition, cycling will be included as a priority transport in urban mobility strategies, including plans for connecting citizens with rural areas, with special attention to the role that electric bicycles may have in favoring this objective. Frans Timmermans has also had an impact on the impact that this promotion of the bicycle will have for the creation of green, local jobs and for the bicycle industry itself.

Complete speech of the Executive Vice President of the EC.

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