After the most powerful explosion, the brightest beam of light was detected in space

by time news

Scientists managed to monitor and document the brightest beam of light seen in space throughout history, according to the Science Alert website.

The recent gamma-ray burst in our solar system was so bright that it temporarily blinded gamma-ray devices in space, according to Science Alert, Wednesday, citing NASA.

According to the site, scientists say that the gamma-ray explosion (GRB), which is considered the most powerful type of explosion in the universe, was 70 times brighter than any previously recorded event, and it occurs only once every 10,000 years.

This cosmic explosion or gamma ray burst is one of the greatest explosions of energy to occur in the universe.

And they called it “the boat” or “the brightest of all”, according to “Science Alert”.

And the “gamma ray” explosion, according to the site, is essentially the first breath of a black hole in existence. And when a massive star approaches the end of its life, when it does not generate enough fuel in its core to support its massive mass, it collapses forming a black hole.

Two things happen during this process. First, the implosion generates an explosion called a supernova. Secondly, the black hole is born as a huge cloud of leftover gas and dust, and quickly devours everything.

And what comes after that has been observed several times, but it is still a scientific mystery about the cause of its occurrence, which is that the black hole made two powerful beams of “gamma” rays, high energy, traveling at a speed close to the speed of light, in opposite directions.

These cosmic rays only last for a few seconds but they are so bright that astronomers documented about 12,000 “gamma” rays, and one of them is the one that occurred in our solar system, last October 9.

Gamma explosions occur almost every day, without warning, and scientists did not have time to take a picture of them, because their life is very short, and they do not give enough time to direct telescopes towards them whenever they are observed.

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