Pilot project Testbus Hepatitis C & HIV / For better health care for drug users in Schleswig-Holstein

by time news
Bonn (ots) –

In Schleswig-Holstein, the first mobile test and advice bus for drug users in rural areas went into service. The virology expert Gilead Sciences GmbH, Martinsried b. Munich.

From the outside, the vehicle looks like a normal mobile home. However, it will never get anyone on vacation or camping. It is the test bus of the Aidshilfe Schleswig-Holstein eV, which, as part of a pilot project, drives to day and contact points, as well as shelters for the homeless and scene meetings. The employees of the Aidshilfe want to inform drug users there about contagious diseases, offer them tests for infections with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) or the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and support the connection to medical care.

The vehicle was presented to the specialist public for the first time at this year’s German-Austrian AIDS Congress (DÖAK). The team at Gilead Sciences is also pleased: “As a specialist in viral infections of the liver and HIV infections, Gilead has always worked to ensure that life-saving therapies reach all those who need them,” explains Martin Flörkemeier, Senior Director Public Affairs at Gilead. “The counseling and test bus is an example of how we can work together with partners in the community to improve patient care.”

Access to care – also in the countryside

In fact, HCV, HBV and HIV infection are relatively common among drug users, such as through sharing drug equipment(1). However, users often do not even know that they have an infection. In the long term, they are at risk of massive liver damage (2,3) or an immune deficiency (4), and the pathogen can also be transmitted to other people. But it doesn’t have to come to that.

Patients today have a wide range of antiviral drugs available for the treatment of infections with HBV, HCV and HIV. Modern drugs used to treat HIV or HBV infection can reduce the amount of virus in the body (4,5).

In most cases of hepatitis C, a cure is even possible(6). “We therefore want to provide our clients with low-threshold information about these connections and make them uncomplicated offers of care,” says Ute Krackow, an employee at AIDShilfe Schleswig-Holstein eV. However, there is a catch: “AIDS and drug help facilities are mostly in the settled in cities and also chronically underfinanced,” says the social worker. “So we don’t even reach drug users in rural areas this way.” The advice and test bus is intended to remedy this problem.

Test bus on tour

The vehicle has been touring through Schleswig-Holstein for a few weeks now. “We are currently still in the development phase,” reports Ute Krackow. “We drive to smaller facilities, talk to clients on site, offer tests and also have sterile dispensing items for drug use with us. In a second phase, we want to expand our radius of action to open scene meetings.”

Lilian Andresen, Associate Director Patient Engagement & Partnerships at Gilead, praises this as a key success factor of the project: “We reach the vulnerable group where they are. Many hurdles are removed in this way, and the chance increases that the education and support really matters.”

At least the drug users in the rural regions of Schleswig-Holstein will be able to rely on low-threshold counseling and test offers in the future. If a test result is positive, Ute Krackow and her team establish contact with the doctors who treat drug users.

1 Robert Koch Institute, Drugs and chronic infectious diseases in Germany – DRUCK study, 2016

2 (accessed March 2, 2023)

3 (accessed March 2, 2023)

4 (accessed March 2, 2023)

5 Cornberg M, Sandman L, Protzer U, et al. S3 guidelines of the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS) for the prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of hepatitis B virus infection – (AWMF register no. 021-11). Z Gastroenterol. 2021;59(07):691-776. doi:10.1055/a-1498-2512

6 Sarrazin C, Zimmermann T, Berg T, et al. Prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: AWMF register no.: 021/012. Z Gastroenterol. 2020;58(11):1110-1131. doi:10.1055/a-1226-0241

Company contact:

Gilead Sciences GmbH
Martin Flörkemeier
Fraunhoferstr. 17, 82152 Martinsried
Tel.: 089 / 89 98 901 89, Fax: 089 / 89 98 90 50
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Gilead Sciences, transmitted by news aktuell
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