The importance of sharing | FranceEvening

by time news

EDITORIAL – Sharing in the noble sense of the term, i.e. not only the physical notion of sharing, « divide into several distinct elements »but above all the intellectual and spiritual sharing essential, as a mode of operation, to any social group that wants to be sustainable: “ Having or doing something in common with someone. »

By this I mean the moral, legal and sociological sharing, this communion of ideas which is materialized by the sharing of feelings (in particular that of belonging to this group), the sharing of information, the sharing of responsibilities and sharing the consequences.

And this is especially true both at the level of a relationship and at the level of a real nation, of a country. This is also why the supreme normative text of a country, its Constitution, always displays the fundamental principles which, in theory, institutionalize this sharing.

Unfortunately, force and note that between the beautiful constitutional theory and the sad reality in practice, in France, political, economic and social, there is a gap. A gigantic gap.

Sadly the most glaring example: the lack of accountability of politicians. Liability as it is commonly understood: having to pay the broken pot, compensate the victims, reimburse the sums lost, and go to prison if the damage caused to the victims and/or the loss of these sums result from a will malicious or simply inexcusable.

Indeed, not only do politicians exonerate themselves from the obligations they impose on ordinary citizens as measures that must be taken in the interest of the Nation (I am thinking, for example, of the law on compulsory vaccination the parliamentarians who voted for it excluded themselves, in fact, by not allowing the health pass to enter the National Assembly), but moreover, as “enormous” as the disasters caused by the decisions they make, their liability is never truly engaged, even less criminal than civil.

Same for meanstream media journalists. The law may determine in black and white that they must be held liable when they disseminate erroneous information, all they have to do is invoke the absence of bad faith, to suggest that they were not totally 1000% aware of the falsity of this information… so that justice refuses to prosecute them.

You will say to me: it is logical.

And yes ! It is with the connivance or on the orders of the politicians in power that these pseudo journalists inoculate the public with a biased official version. Moreover, it is these same politicians who appoint the magistrates, magistrates who, in return, ensure impunity to everyone as aforesaid. Including them.

Therefore, it seems essential to me that citizens who wish to replace this democracy, which is therefore unfortunately only a facade, come together in groups that are not secessionist, but which, by working for a society of fair and functional sharing for all levels, which will thus replace, in fact, inevitably, in the medium or long term, this inequitable and dysfunctional system which is currently imposed on us by our so-called elites. For no offense to them, History has proven it: any society where, instead of a fair distribution of rights and duties among all, its leaders prefer to grant themselves unjustified and pharaonic privileges, any society of this ilk despotism inevitably ends in the sudden and total pollarding of the caste in power.

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