DIRECT. Pensions: “The compromise is to seek other ways of balancing the deficit” of the regime, believes Boris Vallaud

by time news


Sandrine Rousseau again asks for the resignation of Gérald Darmanin

Opposed to the mega basins – “it’s a tank with walls 8m high, 260 Olympic pools of water retained in a drought zone for a few farmers” -, a project to monopolize common water, in his eyes , which “justifies disobedience”, EELV deputy Sandrine Rousseau denounces the violence, “the orders that were given to Sainte-Soline”. “The State has the mission to keep the peace, which was not the case in Sainte-Soline”, she denounces on Europe 1. “Being on file S does not justify being left in a coma , no yellow vest had to be blinded and no policeman had to be injured, ”she summarizes.

Asked about the support, or not, by the Samu, of the man very seriously injured on Saturday during the demonstration, Rousseau attacks: “this is not the first time that Gérald Darmanin lies, he had already done so at the Stade de France. In a democracy that functions normally, the Minister of the Interior would be challenged by Parliament and public opinion, so that he tenders his resignation. Yes I ask for his resignation, ”she said again.


“Even Martinez is overwhelmed”

“It is true that there is a hardening. Even Philippe Martinez manages to be overwhelmed by more radical than him “within the CGT, recognizes Stéphane Le Foll. The mayor of Le Mans (Sarthe) believes that reformist trade unionism is “more than ever” necessary.


The country is not fractured, for Le Foll

“In the expression of democracy, there is always at the end the idea that the majority wins, that there is the possibility of coming back to it and that the next blow you will be able to change if that do not please you”, defends on Public Senate the former socialist Stéphane Le Foll. “Only the referendum makes a final decision”, he says, citing the example of Great Britain with the Brexit referendum, “there it fractures a country”.


The same time of Le Foll

“I don’t believe that dialogue is possible insofar as the Intersyndicale wants to discuss again the postponement of the age from 62 to 64 years when, from what I understand, the government like the president of the Republic do not want to discuss it. That said, the fact that Elisabeth Borne invites and that the unions go there is better than being cut off from any relationship, ”estimates, on Public Senate, the former socialist minister Stéphane Le Foll.


Uncertain outcome at the CGT congress

Several delegates have criticized in recent days the support given by Philippe Martinez to the request for “mediation” on the pension conflict issued to the government by the Intersyndicale. And that complicates his succession at the head of the CGT. His designated candidate, Marie Buisson, seems less assured of taking over.

The National Confederal Committee, the “parliament” of the union which brings together the representatives of the departmental unions and the federations, was to draw up a list of members of the Confederal Executive Commission last night, submitted to the vote of the Congress today. This CEC must then meet to agree on a new direction, then validated, or not, by the CCN.


To Macron to renew the dialogue, judge Vallaud

“For the moment she has not invited us,” says Boris Vallaud about Elisabeth Borne. “Franck Riester says we have to talk about what we agree on, it’s not bad but we also have to talk about what we disagree on”, he believes on France 2. The PS deputy considers that it is up to the President of the Republic to “appease” and to renew the dialogue.


Vallaud still asks for the suspension of the reform

“The President of the Republic said there is a deficit (of the pension system, editor’s note), and he chose to charge those who already do not have much, those who were applauded at 8 p.m., the nurses, the cashiers ”, summarizes, on France 2, the boss of the socialist deputies Boris Vallaud. “The compromise is to look for other ways to balance this deficit”, insists the deputy of the Landes.


In Lille this morning

A gathering of energy agents at the call of the CGT to defend their status is planned in front of the prefecture from 11 am.


The new method is being prepared

Last week, the President of the Republic said, on TF1 and France 2, that he wanted to move forward very quickly, with proposals within “two to three weeks” on a new method to advance education and health in particular. Result: Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne continues working meetings today with ministers and parliamentarians around bills, legislative proposals, or priority actions.


“We expect a reception”

Last week, the President of the Republic assumed to be unpopular for a reform that he considers necessary. He will find out today during his trip dedicated to water in the Hautes-Alpes, near the Serre-Ponçon lake. The Elysée only confirmed this trip yesterday at the start of the afternoon, no doubt to avoid too strong a mobilization. But “we are planning a welcome, of course”, assured BFM Philippe Assaiante, co-secretary general of the departmental CGT.


The Intersyndicale should meet Borne on April 5

The meeting between the inter-union and Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will take place next Wednesday, confirmed yesterday evening, on BFM TV, the deputy general secretary of the CFDT Marylise Léon, according to whom “almost all the organizations responded favorably” to the invitation from Matignon, including the CGT.


SNCF traffic more fluid today

On the 24th day of a renewable strike at the SNCF against the pension reform, TGV traffic (Inoui, Ouigo, Thalys and Eurostar) will be normal or almost this Thursday. Two-thirds of the Intercités should be rolling, as well as four-fifths of the TERs.


The shortage is getting worse in Ile-de-France

30% of Ile-de-France stations are out of at least one fuel. In Essonne, the figure rises to 38%.

Agnès Pannier Runacher, Minister for Energy Transition, will certainly give an update at 8:15 a.m. on Sud Radio.


More and more difficult to pay for his energy

Interventions for unpaid energy bills increased by 10% in 2022 despite the tariff shield put in place to contain soaring prices, announces the energy ombudsman. 863,000 were implemented in 2022. On the other hand, cuts fell by 38%, from 254,000 in 2021 to 157,000 last year. “This development is mainly due to the fact that some suppliers, in particular EDF, following the recommendations of the national energy ombudsman, have decided to carry out power reductions in the event of non-payment rather than power cuts. electricity,” the statement said.


Refineries blocked for three weeks

At least six out of seven refineries in France have been closed or operating at reduced capacity for 22 days, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals are still blocked.

Result: the day before yesterday, 15.52% of service stations in France were short of at least one fuel (gasoline and/or diesel) and 6.89% of stations were dry.

The strikers at the Total Gonfreville-L’Orcher refinery are due to meet at the end of the morning to decide on the follow-up to the movement.

At the Donges refinery (Loire-Atlantique), as at the La Mède biorefinery (Bouches-du-Rhône), shipments are still interrupted.


The garbage collectors’ strike continues… in Le Havre

It’s not just in Paris that ripeurs have stopped picking up trash. In Le Havre, in Seine-Maritime, unlike their Parisian colleagues, they continue the movement started on March 7. Yesterday, the amount of uncollected waste was estimated at 3,500 tons – for a city of 172,000 inhabitants -, despite the organization of collections by the urban community.


In Brest this morning

The fishermen have planned, in Brest (Finistère) from 10 am, a “peaceful march” on the port as part of the operation “dead ports”.


In Seine-Maritime, several actions planned

Rallies are scheduled for Thursday in Rouen and Le Havre, angry fishermen and opponents of pension reform. Fearing overflows while the last gatherings resulted in “destruction of street furniture”, “damage to windows”, “garbage can fires” and “throwing projectiles” at the police, the prefect of Seine- Maritime notably prohibited “the carrying and transport of any object likely to constitute a weapon by destination” in the center of the two cities, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. This involves searching people who go to the center to demonstrate.


Macron back on the pitch

Want to move on? The presentation of the “water plan” by Emmanuel Macron, this Thursday, will mark the return to the field for the President of the Republic. “The time has come to find the salt of the ground”, estimates with the Parisian the deputy Renaissance Karl Olive.


Hello everyone

Welcome to our new direct dedicated to the news of the pension reform, while Emmanuel Macron is expected in the Hautes-Alpes to present his water plan.

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